My Open Letter to the Community

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My Open Letter to the Community

Post by CArnesen » Sun May 09, 2004 9:46 pm

I would like to formally file a complaint and petition to permanently ban NME from both the Forum along with the website. As a volunteer for Sakura-Con I am extremely upset with the following comments. For any individual that puts 500+ hours into something that they believe to be professional and that it "raises the bar" for similar events to read this would be devastated. I would also like you to understand that regardless of the fact that this was an event I was coordinator of, I would bring this to your attention even if it referenced a completely different event with different people involved.

As a professional in the video production industry, I highly value the quality of my work, especially in regard to my reputation and believe that this is a horrible assault to the AMV industry as a whole. When it was asked of me in 2002 to do the job of AMV Coordinator for the 2003 convention, I was reluctant because of the time and dedication I would have to place into the event. I understood that I would be "starting from the beginning" with a contest at a convention that was going into its 6th year.

When it was asked if I would continue being the coordinator for the 2004 convention there was no hesitation in saying yes. I had to go the whole previous year starting from scratch to building a contest that would be presentable and was able to expand and make it much better. I received rave reviews in staff previews and was compared to the quality of contests like Anime Weekend Atlanta and Anime Expo. One individual even went as far to say that it looked like something they would see on MTV or TechTV, it had that level of quality.

To have my pride and sense of accomplishment completely abolished by the statements of NME goes to show the level of irresponsibility and lack of maturity that he has. I will be forwarding these comments along to the Sakura-Con Executive Board, ANCEA Executive Board, and the domain owner, Kris McCormic (5800 Quantrell Ave. #1617, Alexandria, VA 22312 - (703) 566-8528).

The only comment to NME I have is that I will, one day, forgive you for the statement you've made, but I can't speak on behalf of fellow AMV contest coordinators, anime convention staff members, AMV creators, or the most important people to both you and me: the fans.

Source: ... hp?t=33157
NME wrote:Well.

The contest blew. Plain and simple. Instead of getting someone partially competant to run the contest, they get Mr. Arnesen. I don't give a shit if this will be seen as a flame on my part, but seriously, from the entry nightmares (lack of FTP, numbering system required to enter) to the playback problems during the contest (LOL GUYZ LETS AUTHOR THE CONTEST ONTO DVD-R AND PLAY IT ON A PLAYER THAT CAN'T PLAY DVD-R WELL!!!!!111, which caused sync errors and even skipping in the audio on most of the videos), the contest was awful. I seriously can't understand why someone who runs such a bad contest is allowed to year after year. Last year's sucked too.

What the hell is wrong with the staff? With the exception of one or two people (the dude in The Wired who let us transfer the videos and Dinger) the whole con staff was awful. The surly guy running the AMV projector in The Wired who kept telling me that "MP3 boosts the bass" and that it's only good for "techno remixes of classical songs" and that "AC3 is the best distribution audio format because it is a set hardware format (don't get me started on this one)" and also that "all MPEG videos have low audio levels that need to be turned up because of the source loudness problems made by MP2 compression" was just fucking hilarious, and mostly proves that much of the tech staff has no idea what they're doing. Keep in mind that this was all because he wouldn't turn the audio up. Surly motherfucker.

Arnesen if you read this here, or on the SC message boards, get serious about this shit or don't do it at all.
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is this a joke?

Post by Tab. » Sun May 09, 2004 10:02 pm

Well if NME can get banned for criticism at a job poorly done, I for one won't think twice about beating tail from this bassackwards community.
Frankly, there's no nice way to say that someone doesn't know what they're doing. If in fact said problems did occur, own up to it and stop complaining to everyone else about something that is ultimately the result of your mistake(s).
Insults are about as unprofessional as this level of whiny emo bullshit.
" :cry: :cry: :cry: Phade, BAN HIM111"

I would like to formally file a complaint that you all suck :?

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Post by Zarxrax » Sun May 09, 2004 10:13 pm

While you may disagree with Mr. NME's comments, I fail to see how him stating his opinion on a matter is reason to ban him. While I can certainly understand your opinion that you put a lot of work into it, and "tried really hard", but I would hope that you could also understand that someone watching the contest would feel angry if it was not handled well. I'm sure most members of this community would feel rather angry if they went to a convention for the amv contest and then it was plagued with technical problems. While I understand you may not like someone to talk badly of your work, you should be able to take criticism without having to resort to asking people be banned >.>

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Post by mckeed » Sun May 09, 2004 10:23 pm

Well, we heard your side of the story now. It was hard to belive that the contest was as bad as he had said.

Now that that is out of the way, he is entitled to his opinion though. There are a lot of loudmouth jerks at the org, but i think you trying to ban him is a silly exercise. One it makes you look really childish. Two, if it was that bad he would have been banned allready as someone would have reported him to the mods and he would have been warned. You just need to ignore people like him at not let him get to you. Everyone is going to bitch about a contest in some form or another. You just got to get over it and move on. I mean really, why do you care what one person on the org thinks. If you cant take some criticism, however un-substantiated it is, your never going to get far in life. Just deal. I mean, sending a snail mail message to phade. You got to be kidding me.
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Post by Bakadeshi [AuN Studios] » Sun May 09, 2004 10:49 pm

Yea just ignore attacks like this. Your going to get them from at least one person when you coordinate such a big project on this level. Best thing to do is take anything he said that was true, and improve on it, and take everything else as a grain of salt. Attacking his attack does make you look just as childish as his original post made him look. Posting a defensive statement to how things realy did go down is one thing, but asking for bannings and such for voicing one's opinion is not the right way to go. Personally, I am gratefull for all who dedicate such time and effort into these things, as we would not even have them if it were not for these people.
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Post by NME » Sun May 09, 2004 11:43 pm


Can't take the metaphorical heat. Get the fuck out the metaphorical kitchen, crybaby.
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Post by Summanaro » Mon May 10, 2004 12:09 am

What in the fucking hell man, seriously. I'm not a video/audio expert, but I do know when someone is bitching about stupid things. If you can't take NME's comments, I seriously think that you SHOULDN'T run next's years contest and all that. If you can't learn to take criticsm and rude comments, then maybe you should just stay in your little corner and cry about it like you are now. Trying to get someone banned on their personal views is ridiculous. :?
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Post by Khameleon808 » Mon May 10, 2004 12:10 am

I think you need to quit yer damn whining , ya know its bad enough that i had to miss this convention just to find out that it was run by people who dont even know the simplest shit about audio and video . you know if i had entered my video and paid the money to get in and it was skipping and didnt play well cause some jackass wanted to alter the file format of my vid i would be pretty pissed too. bottom line if NME is banned then it proves how these lil whinners shouldnt be in the drivers seat for big venues like this . And banning someone for an opinion is fucking stupid and your op should get you banned . STOP YOUR FUCKING CRYING AND TAKE SOME CRITICISM

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Post by requiett » Mon May 10, 2004 12:12 am

CArnesen, it disturbs me that anyone could run an event of that caliber, for as long as you have, and still remain ignorant of the basics. I have to side with NME on this. Get your head out of your ass, quit complaining, suck it up, and learn from it. You're not making anyone happy by bitching. Your lack of professionalism disgusts me.

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Post by chickrockstar120 » Mon May 10, 2004 12:13 am

Aren't we allowed to post our opinions on these forums? I think banning him will just make you look worse, because you're taking things too personally.


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