Nienna Elentari wrote:Kikyo wants him to die so she can be with him, which is very selfish. Instead of wanting him to live and be happy she's more concerned about her own happiness. (Kagome, even though she loves InuYasha and is ultimately turned down by InuYasha over Kikyo, she still wishes for his happiness over her own happiness, being completely selfless). If Kikyo truely loved him she would want him to be happy and live. If you truly loved someone you wouldn't wish for them to die; she knows he still yearns to see her otherwise he wouldn't keep trying to be with her. Than she gets mad at Kagome and hates her own reincarnation (kagome had the jewel inside her body, when Kikyo told kede to burn the jewl with her body). It's not like InuYasha fell for a completely different girl, he fell for her reincarnation, which is proof right there that he loved Kikyo. It's not like Kagome is trying to take her place, for she knows she cant and even tries to be selfless and help Kikyo that one time and all Kikyo can do is try and kill her or push her down the well back home. Kagome never tries to push Kikyo out of her life or InuYasha's. So if anything Kikyo is the one acting like a petty little school gurl and whenever InuYasha is around her he acts like a little school boy, like when Kagome first met him.... Kikyo ultimatly isn't really herself, for her soul resides in Kagome and Kagome is being the kind, selfless person that Kikyo seemed to be once.
When Kikyou was alive she had
no freedom emotionally or otherwise. She could
not hate or love (she broke the rules for Inu Yasha and it cost her dearly. She lost her life). She had to try to be perfect, she could not have a normal life. There was a standard she was held to and she had to uphold it constantly at the cost of her own happiness.
When she was resurrected she was free of those chains that bound her in life. She said herself that she was now free to love, free to hate, etc. Because of that she no longer held back, she acted on her every emotion. Be it happiness or hatred. She tried to take Inu Yasha into hell because she loved him and wanted to be with him. She wanted to kill Kagome because she resented her. It was her first time experiencing real freedom and she took it too far.
However, she learned from her actions and moved on. Aside from those few instances I can’t recall when Kikyou has really tried to harm either one again. I believe Kikyou judges Kagome harshly because it’s how she judges herself, and Kagome is an extension of herself. Most of her interaction is with Inu Yasha when they exchange information on naraku. She never sticks around long anyway.
Now Kagome, in contrast, lived a care-free life with a loving family. She was free to feel the way she wanted, she was never restricted like Kikyou was. Even now she has Inu Yasha and companions by her side. People to help support her.
If Kagome ever experiences even a margin of what Kikyou suffered and keeps the same “selfless” attitude I’d be impressed but as it stands I’m not. Kikyou’s current existence is hellish and she suffers through it alone without complaint. She’s caring and will help those who need it. When she meets up with Inu Yasha she doesn’t make plays for him. Hell, she stays away from him for the most part.