Oh for crying out loud!
Really, how much more misinterpreted can I get?
To clarify: You're flipping everything upside down. I use humor and self-ridicule (as opposed to ridiculing the fans of yaoi, which it seems you see this as, and wrongly so) - at worst, a 'yaoi' picture that messes up the implied context - to make the fans of yaoi feel
better, not worse.
As for the first post, if you still don't get the intention, let me interpret it for you:
"Not only is girls going crazy over attractive-looking guys not wrong or disgusting or bad in any way, but boy - wouldn't it be screwed up if it were otherwise, if they stopped being attracted to men. Yep, then we guys would be in trouble..."
I'm not a basher, a flamer, a homophobe, or anything like that. I'm not a yaoi fan by a long shot, but I sympathise with them just as much as I do with my fanservice-loving male kind. I have as much right as you to come to forum threads and give remarks that are as humorous, strange or encouraging as I like. But I'd prefer not to be taken as wrongly as to have my intentions interpreted in an inverse fashion.
Quit putting words in my mouth, and lighten up already
The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…