Fanime Contest Results

Announcement & discussion of Anime Music Video contests
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Post by Freeptop » Tue Jun 01, 2004 7:38 pm

Castor Troy wrote:The guides here explain quite well how to remove any type of interlacing.
There's just one problem - the Fanime submission rules required the videos to be interlaced. My partner and I had our entire video deinterlaced, and I had to go back and undo that in order ot meet the contest submission requirements. Given that there were lots of issues with interlacing in the AMV contest, I wonder why the rules required an interlaced video in the first place?

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Post by Tsukin » Tue Jun 01, 2004 8:47 pm

Interlaced video I'm guessing was required for better picture quality and playback as all the videos were converted to dvd format once they were received. However certain field order problems can cause issues during playback, and some of the videos might have had bad interlacing to begin with. Like if someone sent in a video that was resized to a certain extent that blended interlacing lines a little bit to the point where they would show up no matter what. Anyways, this is just what im assuming off the top of my head, so if I am wrong, well.............uh, I dunno, b!&#$slap me till I actually think about what I type :O

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Post by ErMaC » Tue Jun 01, 2004 8:56 pm

The submission rules did not specify you had to encode as interlaced. In fact, my MPEG2 submission was Progressive MPEG2@29.97fps and it played just fine. They RECOMMENDED interlaced, but that's because you can encode a progressive stream as interlaced and not f@#$ anything up, but vice versa breaks.

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Post by Tsukin » Tue Jun 01, 2004 9:19 pm

ErMaC wrote:The submission rules did not specify you had to encode as interlaced. In fact, my MPEG2 submission was Progressive MPEG2@29.97fps and it played just fine. They RECOMMENDED interlaced, but that's because you can encode a progressive stream as interlaced and not f@#$ anything up, but vice versa breaks.
From the looks of it, videos should play fine whether they were submitted interlaced or progressive, as I sent my videos interlaced and they seemed to play fine when I saw them at the convention. Also, about what you said about the rules not specifying to encode interlaced, I agree, I have read through the guidelines earlier before the convention and saw nothing about it being a requirement. In my opinion, a lot of video problems might have been due to encoding errors, mistakes made by the creators themselves, or maybe the video already had the problem to begin with and was submitted as is. (again, correct me if I am wrong, cause I probably am)

(Tsukins other personality) Hmm, my other self should stop responding out of boredom, seriously =/

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Post by dokidoki » Tue Jun 01, 2004 10:05 pm

Big Big Truck wrote:posting in an amv drama thread 8)
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Post by Starherd » Tue Jun 01, 2004 11:13 pm

ErMaC wrote: I will quote exactly what she said, emphasis added:
That crazy lady wrote:Fourth... The Action winner of the viewer's choice... It was one of the last videos shown. Due to the crappy time slot of the contest, alot of people came in at the end of the action category and therefore didn't see all the action videos, and only voted on the last two or three they saw. When the better action videos in the catergory where shown much earlier. The 1st video was one of the best (and even if it was miscategorized). If people missed videos from a category, they should not be allowed to vote for that category.
Now, copious grammatical mistakes aside, sounds to me like she's saying his video wasn't as good as the others, and they were more deserving. I tend to disagree.
I do apologize that my interpretation doesn't match yours; you are exactly correct in that the emphasis added is your own. I read that to mean that she liked some earlier videos better and thought that they hadn't had a fair chance, not that his video was somehow bad and/or undeserving. You chose to read her comment as a personal insult, and I chose to read it as a statement of opinion and valid description of a problem with the contest.

It's a contest. Everyone is going to feel that some vids are better than others; that's the point. Note that she did not expound upon his video being awful, just stated her opinion in a rather non-inflammatory way. Your comment about her giving him crap was uncalled for, especially given his response.

I, too, feel that the contest suffered from its early time slot, and that the action category in particular - being earliest - suffered the most. I liked the Kiddy Grade vid*, but I liked the Gundam 0083 and Big O vids more. I think that the popular vote might've turned out differently if everyone had seen all the action vids, even though that isn't necessarily true; there's no way to know how. That's just how it is. However, this problem could be avoided in the future by giving the amv contest a later time slot.

Personally, I agree with Anneke that the Fanime contest being more about politics than the merit of individual videos - but I also feel that that's how most contests of this nature are.

Your analogy of the Oscars Vs. the MTV movie awards is fairly accurate - in the Oscars, you get movies, acting, etc. voted on by the Academy, who tend to pat the backs of other Academy members an awful lot, whereas with the MTV awards, you get what the populace actually votes on. (Note that I am generally unsatisfied with the Oscars, not because they don't choose to vote upon the popular/money-making films, but because they tend to ignore the merit of independant, foreign, and genre films, relegating them to minor categories. This has improved with recent years - ten years ago, Johnny Depp's performance in Pirates of the Carribiean would've been ignored entirely.)

I've read your reviews of the contest, and I agree with a great many of them, including your review of my Irish Enchilada video. I was blown away that they decided to show it over the vid I was really entering (we threw it onto the cd we sent since, well, it couldn't hurt to submit more than one). (Just because it's *my* best lipsynching doesn't mean it's particularly good lip synching, except for one bit at the end.) ;-)
I don't know that the coordinators actually understood the humor of the vid, since it's series-specific, but evidently they got a laugh out of it. However, I don't agree with it being placed in the comedy category (it's a parody! It's not even to music!), especially since that meant that some other, much more funny vids didn't make it (United States of Whatever, Let This Be the End of Evangelion - even if they did have tech problems). You had the only possible reaction for someone not familiar with Weiss Kreuz. However, I do think that you tend to state things - and take things - in as inflammatory a way as possible. You're being a bit of a poor winner, and I say that with no influence from my feeligs on that matter. Let the other people here have their opinions.

* = I also have the song stuck in my head, which means I should go download the vid and play it often. That doesn't happen to me very much. Kudos, JCD :-)

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Post by TaranT » Wed Jun 02, 2004 2:26 am

Kusoyaro wrote:
Big Big Truck wrote:posting in an amv drama thread 8)
Hey paizuri! BAN this jokester! :P
She's so cool !

After much thought and deliberate deliberation, I've come to the conclusion...that the best part of AMV-Fanime is...the aftermath.

In fact, controversy seems to be attached to all the West Coast AMV contests. Except Anime Evolution, but there's time for that one. :wink:

dwchang wrote:At the same time, I don't understand why people feel the need to degrade videos in a contest in a public forum. I can understand praise, but degrading them and saying things were "robbed" isn't very courteous.
I don't know, honest criticism of AMVs might just wake this forum up. All the back-slappin' gets a little nauseous after awhile. Yeah, there's the opinion page, but that doesn't have the dynamic - not to mention the community-building capability - of group discussion. Look how threads like this one bring the lurkers out from the shrubbery.

Of course, that does require some give and take on the part of AMV creators, not to mention emotional fortitude, and that on top of literary capabilities. So......on second thought......maybe this is a bad idea. Forget I mentioned it. :)

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Post by Starherd » Wed Jun 02, 2004 3:02 am

dokidoki wrote:
Big Big Truck wrote:posting in an amv drama thread 8)
*LOL* where *is* the amv drama thread? I can't find it, and it sounds much more my speed :-D

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Re: AMV Contest...

Post by JCD » Wed Jun 02, 2004 6:41 am

Phew, pretty much discussion about my vid :P
dwchang wrote: To counter what Anneke said, you did get an Honorable Mention in Action at Anime Central and that was based on Judges, not viewers. That basically means another video got more "first place" votes at ACen, but the judges did agree it was a "second" or "third place."

I wasn't at Fanime and don't claim to know the quality of the videos there, but I saw this video at Anime Central and certainly can agree it's a top-notch action video. It's one of *me looks* three videos I've downloaded, watched and kept in the last three months.
Heh, thanks again :)

Still, it's just a thing of taste, I got to hear from few friends that they didn't like it, maybe it was the same case with anneke, dunno.

Thanks everyone for the comments though (and ermacs review), it's always interesting to read what people think (esp. about a con screening)

I would reply a little longer here if my arm wasn't broken, it's hard to type with one hand :/
I also have the song stuck in my head, which means I should go download the vid and play it often. That doesn't happen to me very much. Kudos, JCD
Yay, I aim for the reviewability of my videos, thanks :)

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Post by dwchang » Wed Jun 02, 2004 12:40 pm

TaranT wrote:
dwchang wrote:At the same time, I don't understand why people feel the need to degrade videos in a contest in a public forum. I can understand praise, but degrading them and saying things were "robbed" isn't very courteous.
I don't know, honest criticism of AMVs might just wake this forum up. All the back-slappin' gets a little nauseous after awhile. Yeah, there's the opinion page, but that doesn't have the dynamic - not to mention the community-building capability - of group discussion. Look how threads like this one bring the lurkers out from the shrubbery.

Of course, that does require some give and take on the part of AMV creators, not to mention emotional fortitude, and that on top of literary capabilities. So......on second thought......maybe this is a bad idea. Forget I mentioned it. :)
I agree that honest and constructive criticism has it's place, but saying a video is crap is far from constructive and that is what a few people have said. Those kinds of comments are never necessary and if someone feels the need, they can at least have the courtesy to PM or e-mail the person instead of stating so in a public forum where hundreds will read it.

Also arguing about the resuts and saying someone was robbed just makes someone look to be a sore loser. I realize that 90% of the time that's not the case, but it still looks that way.

Either way, I can see what you mean, but hopefully you can see my points as well. I always hate seeing this kind of AMV contest fallout. Perhaps I should stop visiting this particular forum ;).
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