Voices_Of_Ryan wrote:You know, I've already expressed that this guy pisses me off, not for the fact that he has an opinion (god knows i've expressed mine here and there).
I can't tell, are you talking about me or the guy who agreed with me? ...well I guess it'd be the same difference sorta.
But for the fact that he wants everyone to have the same one he does.
...at what point do I ever get up on a podium and DEMAND that everyone think the same as me? Oh yeah, I didn't, funny that, huh? You can believe whatever the fuck you like, I don't much care, I'm just expressing MY opinion.
Face it, everyone on here who likes linkin park doesnt make shit.
...okay are you talking about that other guy? Cause I'm pretty sure I never said ANYTHING of the sort. Heck I like Linkin Park myself, maybe not as much as some other bands, but they make some okay music.
Infact alot of people on here (pro's) have made linkin park videos later on in their "careers".
I think you kinda missed the whole point of my post. If you paid real close attention you would see that I never specifically said Linkin Park or even DragonballZ, I said LINKINBALLZ. Now when I use the term LinkinballZ, it's being used as a generality to describe poorly edited videos in general (the vast majority of which just so happen to be that combination).
My point was that people who start out making crap, in most cases, continue to do so. Name at least TEN people who haven't. And really, considering all the THOUSANDS of AMV makers out there that make such low quality garbage, well, if I'm wrong, surely you should be able to find at LEAST ten.
I just think you're full of utter crap.
You're welcome to think whatever you like, just don't get all indignant and pissy when I can't seem to find the bother to care one way or another.