... 6190&st=50
Check out ThatGuy1079's post, 3/4 down the page. To paraphrase:
A level of maturity is expressed in anime that isn't expressed in american media. But, then again, we don't have tentacle rape.Someone cooler that you wrote:I can't think of much more, except that I remember when i first started watching anime, I thought it was way cool, because the villains were more badass and psychotic... even though they seemed to have lost, the endings were typically ambigious, leaving the 'real' conclusion to be determined by the watcher. Was the victory really a victory?
No one can tell why or how or whatever, they're left hanging. Your typical complacent person will complain and rant and rave and feel 'disappointed'; while on the other hand, someone with a broader perspective will take the information and draw his own conclusions.