a OrIgInAl DbZ MuSiC ViDeO!!!

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a OrIgInAl DbZ MuSiC ViDeO!!!

Post by AMV_4000 » Wed Jun 16, 2004 1:45 pm

here's my ultimate original dbz video! nobody has used all of these songs to this fight before! this is the greatest most original video ever!!!! there are no videos more original then this! check it out! http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=27188

its awsome! this is the greatest fight scene eever! and gokous har is yelo!!! so is vegitas! their super sajiyan level 2's here! its awsome!! and they fight each other and its such a fast paced battle! its awsome!!!!
tell me what you think!!! :D :D :D :D

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Post by Otohiko » Wed Jun 16, 2004 1:57 pm

omg wehre you get all teh clips lol?

:D :) :o :shock: :twisted: :evil: :P :arrow: :idea: :?: 8)

The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…

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Post by AMV_4000 » Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:15 pm

Otohiko wrote:omg wehre you get all teh clips lol?

:D :) :o :shock: :twisted: :evil: :P :arrow: :idea: :?: 8)

I drew some of them frame by frame! i worekd realy hard on thes vedo! its my best work yet!

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Post by Joykiller » Wed Jun 16, 2004 3:21 pm

This video ....... is magnificent.

I can hardly maintain my composure long enough to write this!! I'm still trembling from excitment. There comes a point in your life that lets you know that true immaculency is obtainable by a mere mortal. Watching your video, Mr. Addiction, was that point for me.

There were so many good.... nay, brilliant parts of this masterpiece, I am unsure where to even begin!!!

A story was told here. A whimsical mysterious story that is accessable by all. So elegant in it's execution it's almost haunting. There were things done that I didn't even realise were possible with current technology. YOU MUST TEACH ME!!! I'd be willing to offer you all of the cash I can muster for a single lesson!!!!1

Some of the highlights:

The video quality
I have no idea how you managed this You must have obtained the actual cells from the original animatiors, modified them to add detail and depth, and then captured them using some unreleased prototype animation equipment and cameras. This is the wave of the future.

The Song Selection
If the original creators of the Dragonball anime ever see this video, they will no doubt begin pumbling themselves about the head, wondering why they neglected to choose this imparticular musical selection for the crowning song for the series. It is like a beautiful match made in heaven. I wept tears of bliss openingly upon hearing it, and cannot keep from continuing to do so now.

The solid and orignal concept
In a day where Dragonball videos are so common, one may start to lose faith that a truely original concept may leap forth and grab you emotionally from the fray. What I have witnessed today is a Dragonball video unlike any other. The story evolves on levels upon levels of intricately woven details, that are subtle, yet lend themselves easily to comprehension. You can relate to it reguardless of how unlike your life they may be. It is a true classic. Never has a story such as this been told, and I don't predict another will ever be able to come close to this.

The only negative point that I could deduce was that the video was entirely too short. Then again I believe that reguardless of if you had made this video to be a thousand years long, it would still have felt abruptly terminated! :cry: The end of this video nearly drove me to therapy due to seperation anxiety.

This is all the time that I could spare to part from watching your video. I have decided to dedicate my life to learning the lessons that you have given us via this video. Thank you Addiction. I owe you everything!!!!

If anyone needs to reach me do not bother. I will be too busy watching this video loop eternally to deal with petty things such as other people from now on.

Everyone beware! After watching even 10 seconds of this, you may never see anything the same way again!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!

Former Anime Mid-Atlantic AMV Contest Coordinator

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Post by Lone Wolf » Wed Jun 16, 2004 4:14 pm

It's AMV_4000 brand...a name I trust for good (or crappy yet funny) AMVs.

D/Ling now...
Lone Wolf's AMV Pimpage:

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Post by Undertow » Wed Jun 16, 2004 4:37 pm

It's repetative, it's redundant, it's useless, it's fansubbed, it looks like it went trough a meatgrinder. Yeah, this is a real a-m-v.org quality DBZ vid.
It's even less crappy than some of the rubbish i've seen. But you forgot a song, Voices by Disturbed. There are 9 DBZ vids with that song out there, and i'm sure that number will double in no time.
Well, atleast you didn't use WMM.

Well, lets just say. Best Damn DBZ Vid Here! W00t

Or like Akimbo would have said: "Sweet jesus, that's the worst damn thing i've seen in my life, and i've just watched Spice World."

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Post by Voices_Of_Ryan » Wed Jun 16, 2004 5:04 pm

Lone Wolf wrote:It's AMV_4000 brand...a name I trust for good (or crappy yet funny) AMVs.

D/Ling now...

"hey... no"

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Post by Arigatomina » Wed Jun 16, 2004 5:19 pm

Undertow wrote:Well, atleast you didn't use WMM.
You are a noob. :?

Congrats, I've never said that to anyone on this forum before.

To AMV_4000...

If you hadn't pimped your video in a thread made by someone who - new editor though he is - who actually *tried* to make something good, I wouldn't say a word to you. It's beyond me why a person with skill would spend that time doing something purposely bad. But to go into someone else's thread and pimp yourself? What's the thinking behind that?

More importantly, can you explain this enigma to me? Why do something bad on purpose? Is it easier than trying to do something good? Is there any point in watching this video if it's just another 'crap on purpose to show I can make crap' vid? I've seen your work, I know you can do 'good on purpose' videos. So why would anyone want to watch intentional crap? I like to download your vids, but I don't download intentional crap. I have enough accidental crap getting downloaded onto my comp. So really, is there anything in this video that would make it different from those unintentionally bad videos? Any redeeming qualities to make the 6 hr download worth it?

All I know is...the next person I hear whining about how vids for this anime tend to be crap, I'm sending him your way. o.O

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Post by Voices_Of_Ryan » Wed Jun 16, 2004 5:21 pm

Arigatomyna wrote:
Undertow wrote:Well, atleast you didn't use WMM.
You are a noob. :?

Congrats, I've never said that to anyone on this forum before.

To AMV_4000...

If you hadn't pimped your video in a thread made by someone who - new editor though he is - who actually *tried* to make something good, I wouldn't say a word to you. It's beyond me why a person with skill would spend that time doing something purposely bad. But to go into someone else's thread and pimp yourself? What's the thinking behind that?

More importantly, can you explain this enigma to me? Why do something bad on purpose? Is it easier than trying to do something good? Is there any point in watching this video if it's just another 'crap on purpose to show I can make crap' vid? I've seen your work, I know you can do 'good on purpose' videos. So why would anyone want to watch intentional crap? I like to download your vids, but I don't download intentional crap. I have enough accidental crap getting downloaded onto my comp. So really, is there anything in this video that would make it different from those unintentionally bad videos? Any redeeming qualities to make the 6 hr download worth it?

All I know is...the next person I hear whining about how vids for this anime tend to be crap, I'm sending him your way. o.O
You so stole my speech.

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Post by Undertow » Wed Jun 16, 2004 5:29 pm

Arigatomyna wrote:
Undertow wrote:Well, atleast you didn't use WMM.
You are a noob. :?
I don't get it? You think i'm a noob because i mentioned WMM? no way. I use premiere (which i actually got legally). If you are unsure if i am a noob or not, try to watch my vids and then say if i am a noob or not.
As for pimping our vids in other peoples threads, don't we all do that, most people here have links to their latest vids in their sigs (i'm guilty of that too). But yeah, actually mentioning it is something to be ashamed of.


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