thats true, and if i didnt know that i'd probably be MORE vocal about this, but at the same time, why did the japanees pick up ONLY the derogitory ways to draw black folks from US?Calim wrote:So we're complaining about how black people are depicted in anime?
I don't mean to complain about it but you have to realize something, this is made in an Asian culture were mostly only Asians live they don't have various colors of people like black, yellow, brown, etc like we do here in the USA. Now don't get me wrong I'm not racist or anything of the like I just think its stupid to complain about it.
and the lack of diversity in japan is something you cant help. but usually when one race is isolated from alot of different races they tend to dog every other race out. the prime minister of japan once was quoted sayin that the only reason why japan scored higher in schools then the U.S. was because the U.S. had more minoraties to deal with.