coffee54 wrote:Oh, it wasn't that sad. Huh? What's that you say? I've been peeling onions, that's all. And dropped something really heavy on my foot. Can't a guy get a little teary if drops something on his foot? Seriously I did like the video. I was in a sappy mood tonight, so it fit perfect.
I'm almost always in a sappy mood.

Join the club. Anyway thanks!
BebopCowboy18 wrote:Well, if it makes you feel any better, I love Love Hina, Saikano, Ah! My Goddess, and any other romantic anime you can throw at me. I'm a sap through and through and thought this video was fantastic and very well deserving of the award. Congrats!
Thank you very much. I'm not sure if this will certainly happen, but I'm hoping to make a Saikano video one day

Janzki wrote:Yay for piano puzzle!
I like romance, but this was a little too sappy even for me. Perhaps it was the 80s song that did it. ^^;
Very good job editing-wise though. Perfect timing without a single flaw. I also liked the "past" effect.
Oh believe me, when I chose the song I knew a lot of people wouldn't like it. If anything, it's just a guy singing (very little in the way of music or dynamics). I actually debated using "Open Arms" by Journey instead since it's more dynamic.
And I *had to* use an 80's song for Otakon this year as I *have to* use another next year

. It's required
TaranT wrote:Hmmm...
You did notice that your cloudy white border overflows the picture dimensions?
Shit! Yeah I knew about it, but didn't think anyone would find out so early. I won't deny it, this is sheer lazyness.

I finished literally on the day it was due for Otakon. Perhaps I should've gone back and cleaned this (and one other thing) up prior to releasing it, but sadly am fairly burnt out from editing having been doing it since December. sorry...
..and yes I realize how bad of a reason that is

TaranT wrote:I didn't think the puzzle pieces are as cheesy as you say (although their edges look very grainy). But I don't see the reason for them since they don't connect with anything in the lyrics or the footage. And they're not used often enough to be a stylistic theme ("bookends" is not enough).
Grainy? Hrm...I actually went back and redid this like 3 or 4 times and they are 10x less grainy than they were in the past. >_< As for the reason, it's in my description, but I don't imagine people will read that ginormous thing. Basically it symbolisms entering (or leaving) someone's life. That's what I meant by bookends and why I do it in reverse.
TaranT wrote:The final text was sappy, even more so because the words were timed. I would have gone with the words slowly flowing onto the screen. Even better: have them flow onto a sheet of paper or parchment.
I realize it's too sappy, but again, everything in it has a purpose...this even moreso

TaranT wrote:The transition work is very nice. It's something I'm sensitive to these days, but there were only a few scenes I might have disagreed with. If I get time, I'll put this in a longer Opinion writeup.
Sounds like I'm complaining a lot - I don't like the song, either - but the vid has good emotional content and is pleasant to watch. If it made AD hurl, that's even better.

Thanks! Being an OCD, I spend way too much time on things as simple as a transition. It's not surprising if I spend over an hour moving a transition a frame to the right, the left, etc. Someone in an opinion for this has actually sorta "seen" this and I'm glad. I think these "little things" can really pay off in a drama video.
...and even *I* don't like the song, but it fit perfectly the message I wanted to convey. Thanks again!