now i understand u linkin park lovers

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Post by *inverse* » Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:16 pm

fizzucker wrote:...i re-analyzed this is my head and i now apologize to all ppl who i insulted for using linkin park in a vid...they do it because it fits!
I've always loved Linkin Park, and I still do. Never apologize for using a song you like for a video. I'm aware of the fact that they are "over-used", but if there are people here who actually get insulted over a Linkin Park AMV, they should grow up :roll:

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Post by Gepetto » Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:00 pm

*inverse* wrote:
fizzucker wrote:...i re-analyzed this is my head and i now apologize to all ppl who i insulted for using linkin park in a vid...they do it because it fits!
I've always loved Linkin Park, and I still do. Never apologize for using a song you like for a video. I'm aware of the fact that they are "over-used", but if there are people here who actually get insulted over a Linkin Park AMV, they should grow up :roll:

Beautifully stated.
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Post by cybilcora » Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:21 pm

I first heard the song "Breaking the Habit" a few weeks ago on the radio and I have recently been watching Inuyasha.

I kept seeing clips from the series that would fit with the song. I picture it as being focused on the Kagome/Inuyasha/Kikiyo love angst. At the end is a vision of Kagome breaking the Sacred Jewel.

I have no tools for making my own AMV. I have no skills to make it happen, so this is why I mention the vision of my idea for this AMV. I hope someone sees the same thing and makes it happen.



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