In the past being a child meant innocence, purity and all things simple and good but times have changed.
With the world we live in today, little kids are exposed to worse things in real life.
Who cares if they see animated blood?
They're watching their parents kill each other, their older siblings doing drugs.
This seems like a pessimistic view but sadly this is only the truth in some cases.
The problems are the parents who don't set rules and don't explain things that should be since early age.
Anyone remember the Columbine incident? Yeah, let's all blame it on Marilyn Manson. WTH?!
Where were the parents? What were they doing? Did they care about their own offspring?
It's not like I'm planning of giving my children hentai but just talking goes a long way.
People would be surprised with the understanding kids respond to simple LOGIC.
You tell a kid not to do something and they will, explain why they shouldn't and they'll probably get it.