The Quicksilver Studios Naruto fandub project

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The Quicksilver Studios Naruto fandub project

Post by Songbird21 » Sun Sep 19, 2004 10:21 pm

Hi all,

I have been wanting to do this for a long time. I am trying to get together a cast for a Naruto fandub.

Now, before you groan in disgust, let me tell you why this will be a good fandub:

1. I am VERY picky about who will play the voices. You can be assured I will find the best matches possible.

2. I have all the Naruto soundtracks. So, the music will NOT cut out when someone is speaking.

3. Sound effects will also not be cut out when someone is speaking. I have a huge sound effects library and any sounds that are uniquely Naruto I can easily find on another ep when there's no talking over it. I am also very good at folly artistry (The art of making sound effects).

4. I have been making anime music videos (AMVs) for over 2 years now. So I know how to handle Adobe Premiere in order to get everything synched up correctly.

5. All attack names and other proper names (Such as Sharingan) will be left in Japanese. Let's face it. They just wouldn't sound as cool in english. Also, Sakura's "Shanaro (Forgive my spelling)" will be left in Japanese.

Okay, now that I've, hopefully, erased your fears I would like to ask for people who would like to try out for voices. This is only for episode 1. If all goes well I will open casting again for episode 2. Voices already taken are:

Sakura: Songbird21

Sasuke: Voices Of Ryan

Ino: Graceria

Hinata: Graceria (Trust me. She can do both voices)

Kakashi: Andy Mihail

Roles still open are:




The 3rd Hokage

(Demon fox battle)
Male Ninja #1-

Male Ninja #2-

(Naruto paint chase)
Male Ninja #3-

Male Ninja #4-

(After Graduation crowd)
Male student-

Father of student-

Mother of student-

Woman #1-

Woman #2-

Young Iruka-

(Naruto search party)
Male Ninja #5-

Male Ninja #6-

Male Ninja #7-

Now, BEFORE you try out there are some requirements:

1. You must have a good working microphone. This should be obvious, but I'm mentioning it anyway.

2. Please only try out for characters who are the same sex as you, unless you are VERY good at masking your voice.

3. Voice files will only be accepted in the following formats: MP3, MP2, or WAVE. That is it. Nothing else will be accepted. This is to insure quality as well as convertability.

4. No one under the age of 18 may apply for the 3rd Hokage. I highly doubt anyone younger could pull it off.

5. Unless the role you are trying out for is supporting, remember that this is a commitment. If things go well we may even get as far as the bridge battle before it gets officially liscensed. So if you can't do this for that long then don't bother.

6. You MUST be able to devote time to this whenever I need you! This is highly important. Which also means I prefer people who have AIM or ICQ. If you don't have them it's okay. But I do prefer you have at least one of them. If you can't get your lines in on time I will find someone else.

7. You have to have seen up to episode 40 of the anime. I doubt we'll get that far, but you never know.

All that said, here's how to apply:

1. PM me or email me at In the subject line put: Naruto fandub application. In the message I need:
Name (real or net):
IM program: (AIM, ICQ or none)
Best times to catch you online:
Character you would like to try out for: (Please only list one)

After I recieve your message I will send you a set of "tryout lines". Please watch the part of the episode these lines refer to before you record the lines. I want the emotion to be as accurate as possible. If I decide you are right for the part (Or suggest you for another part) I will contact you with further details.

I hope you try out for this.

Thanks for checking this out,
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Post by Otohiko » Sun Sep 19, 2004 10:25 pm

Gah, curses, just when I lack the bandwith to take on this :|

Good luck, I guess. It'd be fun for me to try something like that, but shoganai :roll:
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Post by Songbird21 » Mon Sep 20, 2004 11:51 am

Isn't anyone interrested? (Besides Otohiko) :cry:
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Coaxel Ethereal
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Post by Coaxel Ethereal » Mon Sep 20, 2004 12:06 pm

nobody??? anybody???, damn, alright, I might regret this, but at least it wont be a major role, I’ll do a male ninja or two. Send me an e-mail on how the whole process will work and what my responsibilities are. It would probably be best if you just send me a line to read or two and you decide what part would be best.

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Post by SnhKnives » Tue Sep 21, 2004 6:31 pm

I might be interested in a not-so-popular character......

like maybe the 3rd Hoakge, but nothing more popular than kakashi. But being Kakashi would be badass 8-)

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Post by SnhKnives » Tue Sep 21, 2004 6:32 pm

oh oops, kakashi is taken. I dont mind doing any of the supporting roles

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Post by SnhKnives » Tue Sep 21, 2004 7:40 pm

well, my voice sucks on these things, oh well. I wont be doing this

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Post by Songbird21 » Tue Sep 21, 2004 7:52 pm

Oh fine. Lol. Get my hopes up.
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Castor Troy
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Post by Castor Troy » Tue Sep 21, 2004 8:59 pm

If I had a decent mic, I'd try out for Sakura. :lol:

Maybe Choji or Orochimaru :P
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Post by Songbird21 » Tue Sep 21, 2004 9:03 pm

Castor Troy wrote:If I had a decent mic, I'd try out for Sakura. :lol:

Maybe Choji or Orochimaru :P
How bad is your mic? Cause I can clean audio up to a point.
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