by Zero » Tue Sep 21, 2004 4:30 pm
That almost gave it away. If it's very short, it must be Zeong.
Otohiko: What you said about urban warfare, that was the original inspiration to make this mech: (You can't take credit for the idea, I made it about two years ago)
Model number: NEMGMS-2002AWG
Code name: Angel Wing Gundam
Unit type: Prototype mobile suit, Gundam Class
Manufacturer: Neras Enterprises
Operator: Zero Serenity
Accommodation: One(1) pilot, suit covers pilot's entire body
Dimensions: (In meters)
Head Height: 2.16
Wingspan: 15.3
Weight: .6 Metric Tons
Construction: Full Gundanium Armor and Human frame
Powerplant: Crystalic Fusion Reactor Max Output Unknown
Propulsion: 6X Flat Wing Veriners, 17300Kg 6X Foot Veriners 9000Kg
Performance: 1.76 G Acceleration 220.92 In overdrive mode
Equipment and design features: 6X Back mounted wings, flappable and can cover entire unit for re-entry, ZERO-SYSTEM, Flight and Re-entry wing modes
Fixed armaments: 1X Twin Buster Rifle, 2X Machine Cannons, Shoulder Mounted, 2X Sniper Vulcan Cannons, Head Mounted, 2X Beam Sabers, stored in back unit
Optional fixed armaments: 2X Heavy Beam/Nuclear Bazooka
Optional hand armaments: 4X Beam Gattling Guns
Other Information/Bio:
When Zero thought mobile suit, he thought mobile suit, so this is what he made of it. Basically a tiny version of Angel Wing Gundam Zero, even though it lacks most of the mechanized parts that it's predecessor has, it still contains enough parts to move around naturaly as if the armor wasn't on. Otherwise, it's almost identical to AWGZ, with the exception of downgraded weapons. From this unit would spawn the idea of using them in modern warfare against terrorists due to their relitively inexpensive cost and high effectiveness.
I've got more originals and once the site for them is up and running. You can see more.
Phade wrote:(I've actually promised to spend some time with my wife now. It's "happy Friday time".)