I used a very old version of some Ulead software back in 1999. It was pretty simple. though being new to editing there was a bit of confusion for me in terms of saving the final movie.
But as I said, I was new to editing, and and it was old software.
Good Editing Software
- Alice [OLSP]
- Joined: Thu May 15, 2003 1:12 am
- Location: Somewhere, doing something.
Alice suggests: "Beautiful Earth" or "Politically Correct"
- bum
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- Joined: Sat Nov 08, 2003 9:56 pm
straight to magix. from what ive heard and a demo of an earlier version of the program i treid out, its damn sweet, esspecialy at the price point. however the similarly priced vegas movie studio is probaly a beter purchase. its basicaly a cut down verison of the fully felged vegas which a decent amount of people here use. which is good as it'l make it easier geting help for it from people here. oh and im curently writing a guide for vegas. a trial version can be downloaded hereInn3rchild wrote:effects its got and blah blah.
Anyway, i found 2 programs i might like Ulead MediaStudio Pro 6.5 and Magix Movie Edit Pro 2004.
Are they any good, if anybody uses them?
- Joined: Wed Sep 03, 2003 4:41 pm
- Location: Los Angeles, CA.
Current version of Media Studio is 7.0. I use it. I like it. Ulead sells it for $299.Inn3rchild wrote:effects its got and blah blah.
Anyway, i found 2 programs i might like Ulead MediaStudio Pro 6.5 and Magix Movie Edit Pro 2004.
Are they any good, if anybody uses them?
- Joined: Sun Feb 15, 2004 10:51 am
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