Sousaphonist wrote:Looks easy with Premiere Pro 1.5's 16-point garbage matte (why can't they just cave in and give me a bezier matte tool without having to pick up After Effects!)....I could cut Lain out easily enough, or just use the GIMP or (gasp) even MSPaint to do it....transparent effect on that clip, with some sort of transparent ramp effect (I think you can do that, I managed it somehow before), overlay a shot of the title screen shrunk down, looks like some egde feathered piano key on the side there, no sweat, whatever that colored thing is at the bottom, Title Editor...
that sounds way too complex
. with vegas you just lay a few video tracks on top of each other, aply variations of the cookie cuter effect to each, mabey muck around with the opacity setings a bit, and viola