by Atila The Hun » Tue Sep 28, 2004 12:54 am
Peace will never endure, as long as any human exists....... that's why we at war with Iraq..... we're all stupid war-mongering retards who wish for what they want........*sigh* even i am a stupid war-mongeror, who wishes to meet Death head on in battle.... but oh well.... i'm a horror maniac who cna withstand most horrors of gore and such.....
if i had a gundam, I'd name it either Lord-Lightning or Attila(after the warrior who burned 75% of Rome before Pope Leo 1 persuaded him to not destroy Rome and head home back into Asia, where he commited suicide or died of a disease)...... and i'd be the deadliest pilots in the galaxy, who'd be a bounty-hunter! so many missiles and weapons! you've made me the happiest girl of my life!(jk)
I am the man who burned 75% of Rome during my reign! I overthrew my brother,Bleda, and then invaded with devastation!
"none righteous, no, not one"Romans 3:10