I thought I Donated!?

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Nekoboy Sal
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I thought I Donated!?

Post by Nekoboy Sal » Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:44 am

First off, I"m confused as to where to post this in the new sections and what not, but anyway...

Oaky, I have never donated before, but I put up a pledge 3 or so days ago.

Everything seemed like it went alright, but I came to a screen that said, "Confirm your Pledge" or somthing similar to that. I confirmed it, but that page came up again. I was hesitant to click it again as It may double my pledge, but I did. The same page poped up again!
I went to the "My Donations" and it said $48 to be donated now!.

From there I asumed it was okay.
I was putting the US Money Order in the mail (I live in Ireland), but my Dad was of to America so he took it with him to mail from there.

Checking my donation it says:
Total Pledges:$
Total Donations:$

Nothing went thew? I'm confused.
No, I'm not dead...
I've just moved to Politicaly Corect "Republic of Ireland".

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Post by AbsoluteDestiny » Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:49 am

Odd, I dont see you on the pledge list.

Well, once Phade receives and cashes the money order he'll put it to your account. When did you send it? I'll check with him as to whether he received it.

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Nekoboy Sal
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Post by Nekoboy Sal » Sun Oct 17, 2004 2:50 am

Yeah, I tried pledging, but it didn't work. I'm to afraid to try again incase I will put the pledge up twice.

Well, about 5Days ago my dad got ot America, so I should only take maybe 1 or 2 days to get there from New York?
No, I'm not dead...
I've just moved to Politicaly Corect "Republic of Ireland".

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Nekoboy Sal
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Post by Nekoboy Sal » Tue Oct 19, 2004 3:42 pm

Yeah, Its gone thew now.
Thanks for the help... I think.
No, I'm not dead...
I've just moved to Politicaly Corect "Republic of Ireland".


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