Back on track. Fansubs.
Well, if anyone knows me at all, you'll know I am a big supporter of fansubs, although my reasons are a little different than some of the folks out there.
I'm actually in a fansub group, and I'm really heavy into the fansubber "code of honor". If you've not heard of this, pay some more attention.. It tends to be stamped all over fansubs, usually during the commercial break "eye-catch". Basically, fansubs are free, 100%. They must never be sold for profit. Furthermore, they must never be passed around, even to your family or close friends, after the show is licensed. (Proof definite of that was earlier tonight when I told my room mate that I wouldn't make copies of my Tenchi OVA3 fansubs for her mom.) And on top of that, a fansubber has to be moral in that they will stop fansubbing a show once the show is licensed. That doesn't mean "one more episode, then we stop", it doesn't mean "keep subbing until a DVD comes out in stores." - It means stop, right there, even if you're about to release the next episode.
Some groups like ot just keep going after a license, and that's just dirty. Why? Because, that takes a fansubber, and just makes them a pirate. You're no longer providing English speakers with a product they normally couldn't get... Instead, you're pirating a preview of an upcoming product. Like those movie bootlegs that somehow find their ways to Ebay or the local Farmer's Market a week before the movie premiere. It's not right, and it's just a cheap alternative to purchase, which Fansubs shouldn't be considered as.
Ages ago, fansubs were not as easy to get. You had to order them from the subbers, pay for the blank tapes, and watch them on a VCR. Sometimes you'd watch them at your local anime club, it was cool, it was fun... You know. But now that you can download fansubs, and download, really, anything you want... the code of honor is being broken left and right, and that's sucky if you ask me.
So, do I like fansubs?
Yes, if they are used for the intended purpose. I watch them to see what's new in Japan, to follow a new show, to get a grip on what's coming out in the next couple years, etc... Also, it's a great alternative to boredom.

Now if you were to ask me if I thought fansubs were hurting the anime industry.... I'd have to say Yes.. Slightly. I don't think the pirate bootleg type fansubs that get passed around peer to peer networks are hurting things horribly. I don't think that the fansub groups that keep subbing after licensing are necesarally made up of bad people... just peopel with differing views. Views I don't agree with, mind you, but they are entitled to them.
So, the final answer: Yes and no. That's all you'll get outta me.