Pie SUCKS!AMVfreak wrote: Some love pie, some don't.

But on a more serious note...
I don't know about anyone else, but I don't exactly see certain effects actually HARD to pull off. I mean, heck, anyone here could simply go to creativecow.net , check out a tutorial or two, and BAM!, produce an effects video that could look all kinds of purdy.
Problem is, and this is only my opinion, there is no real effort made to innovate or use the effect in a completely different way to make that video stand out if they just use some basic pre-defined effects.
I don't use effects in my videos because I haven't found the need for them or even found a really good opportunity to put one in. Have I toyed with After Effects? Yes, very much so, especially for rotoscoping several "lightsaber" effects.
Bottom Line: Use effects to ehance the video, no BE the video. If you find that maaaaaybe your effects are smothering what your actually trying to portray in the video, then you might want to re-evaluate your AMV...
Then again, most people DO enjoy shiny things....maybe thats what we should all do, put together a project using EVERY After Effect and Premiere filter possible. We'll call it the Seizure Project....
Its late, I'm sleepy, and babbling. Good night ^_^