Spirtual Anime Series Recommendations

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Evangelion Unit 01
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Spirtual Anime Series Recommendations

Post by Evangelion Unit 01 » Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:54 pm

I just wondering if anyone can recommend me some good spirtual anime series. Something that gets into the character's heads type of thing like eva, berserk, lain (just not as confusing :lol: ) something along those lines. I am thinking of getting dot hack because I beleive that series is like that. But anything esle you could recommend would be great. Thanks.

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Post by azulmagia » Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:57 pm

Earth Girl Arjuna. (Actually, it sort of goes down hill as the series progresses, but the first few episodes are great)

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Post by Otohiko » Sat Nov 27, 2004 8:08 pm

I didn't think it goes downhill, but it certainly didn't seem to go in the direction I was sometimes hoping it would.

Which reminds me of the fact that I'm supposed to watch the final episode of it today.

And I'm still unsure of your definition of 'spiritual' - heh, and what's with your sudden 'spiritual search' these days.

As far as other series that appealed to me in this kind of 'spiritual' sense recently - Haibane Renmei certainly did, as did Someday's Dreamers, for instance.
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Post by Evangelion Unit 01 » Sat Nov 27, 2004 8:24 pm

Otohiko wrote: And I'm still unsure of your definition of 'spiritual' - heh, and what's with your sudden 'spiritual search' these days.
Spirtual to me is getting into the character's heads. What is their problem. like the ones I listed, and for a reason why is because everything I have seen lately has not been great. It has all just been pretty good, and I can't stand it when I see like five anime series in a row that I thought "Ehh..It was pretty good." Pretty good is my average for everything. So, I looked back at what I thought was great, and most of those seem to be spirtual to me. So I am looking for another great anime series, and it seems like spirtual works for me.

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Post by bobbarker31 » Sat Nov 27, 2004 8:40 pm

Two series that I would recommend that get into characters heads would be Revolutionary Girl Utena and His and Her Circumstances.

His and Her Circumstances directed by Hiddeki Anno and the fine staff at Gainax that brought us Evangelion includes much of the character exposition that we had in Eva.

Utena is something the explores many different psychologies and types of relationships. And it is a total mind screw :twisted: You will have to watch it several times to catch everything. It is a fairy tale that gets very dark. All good stuff though. Can't recommend the both enough.
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Post by someperson » Sun Nov 28, 2004 2:12 am

Hmm kind of a broad range of anime. There are lots of anime that get into the characters' heads.

First half of Saiyuki, I suppose. A good chunk of it concentrates souly on the main characters' pasts and how they affect how they live their lives.

Boogiepop Phantom. The story never concentrates on one point of view. It's a bunch of people's lives and expierences and how they somehow relate to boogiepop. Kinda confusing at times till you put everyone's views together (even then, it's still a bit confusing).
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