What anime could the world do without?

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Post by Heero_Yuy84 » Wed Feb 16, 2005 12:35 am

Evangelion Unit 01 wrote:Well I have not read much of the OT, when I said that I ment that evangelion proabably ment something more to people who go to chruch every day. I don't, I don't even go to temple, and I thougth it also would proabably mean more for those who are christian, and even though they dont; go to church they still know something. That's why I said that, but maybe I was wrong. The onyl exposer I have to all this religious stuff is just with my bible as lit class, and that's it.
Actually, in my experience, Evangelion actually LOSES something to those that attend church more.
They tend to either:
a) Notice holes in the theology
b) Find it's cashing in on their religion
c) The token minority which view the show as right-out blasphemous

p.s. Spike:
You DO realize that, by removing Lupin, Bebop would fall with it, right? (If you don't believe me, take a good long look at the two. Lupin was an inspiration for making Bebop.)
*Resident shameless Gundam fanboy*

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Post by Voices_Of_Ryan » Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:05 am

: |

1. If Dragonball didn't exist, then as Castor troy stated, most of us would never have come to this place. Not ONLY that, but most people try to read so much into it. It's alot like saying at 19 that Barney is dumb. Yes it is, but you're older now. I'll admit when I was about 3 I liked barney and Mr. Rodgers. Though, it's age that brings progression.
Or for that matter, that 4 + 4 = 8 should be wiped from the earth because you already know it to be true.

2. If Evangelion didn't exist, we wouldnt have Rahxephon and what would koop have made Euphoria with 0o?

3. I belive we can all agree... Samurai: Hunt for the sword, has no reason existing.
"hey... no"

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Evangelion Unit 01
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Post by Evangelion Unit 01 » Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:18 pm

Heero_Yuy84 wrote:
Evangelion Unit 01 wrote:Well I have not read much of the OT, when I said that I ment that evangelion proabably ment something more to people who go to chruch every day. I don't, I don't even go to temple, and I thougth it also would proabably mean more for those who are christian, and even though they dont; go to church they still know something. That's why I said that, but maybe I was wrong. The onyl exposer I have to all this religious stuff is just with my bible as lit class, and that's it.
Actually, in my experience, Evangelion actually LOSES something to those that attend church more.
They tend to either:
a) Notice holes in the theology
b) Find it's cashing in on their religion
c) The token minority which view the show as right-out blasphemous

p.s. Spike:
You DO realize that, by removing Lupin, Bebop would fall with it, right? (If you don't believe me, take a good long look at the two. Lupin was an inspiration for making Bebop.)
Well I don't know abot the cash part lots of people do that. Shit what do you call the passion of christ. And it is always good to find holes in your religion. I mean it makes you really question it and come to an even better conclsion about it. And as for the third one, they're jst close minded religious fanatics. I do sppose this could heart someone religiously, but I was talking about the fact that they might understand it more being a christain, or knowing alot about the stuff anyway. Well that's what I just thought, and I guess I might be wrong seeing that all I know about the bible was from my lit class.

And fine lupin can stay, seeing as it did a lot I guess. I still didn't like what I saw of it, but that's me.

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Post by bobbarker31 » Wed Feb 16, 2005 3:24 pm

Evangelion Unit 01 wrote:
Heero_Yuy84 wrote:
Evangelion Unit 01 wrote:Well I have not read much of the OT, when I said that I ment that evangelion proabably ment something more to people who go to chruch every day. I don't, I don't even go to temple, and I thougth it also would proabably mean more for those who are christian, and even though they dont; go to church they still know something. That's why I said that, but maybe I was wrong. The onyl exposer I have to all this religious stuff is just with my bible as lit class, and that's it.
Actually, in my experience, Evangelion actually LOSES something to those that attend church more.
They tend to either:
a) Notice holes in the theology
b) Find it's cashing in on their religion
c) The token minority which view the show as right-out blasphemous

p.s. Spike:
You DO realize that, by removing Lupin, Bebop would fall with it, right? (If you don't believe me, take a good long look at the two. Lupin was an inspiration for making Bebop.)
Well I don't know abot the cash part lots of people do that. Shit what do you call the passion of christ. And it is always good to find holes in your religion. I mean it makes you really question it and come to an even better conclsion about it. And as for the third one, they're jst close minded religious fanatics. I do sppose this could heart someone religiously, but I was talking about the fact that they might understand it more being a christain, or knowing alot about the stuff anyway. Well that's what I just thought, and I guess I might be wrong seeing that all I know about the bible was from my lit class.
The creators of Evangelion admitted to using Judeo-Christian theology as a plot device in the storyline because: One, it worked and Two: it looked cool. I have read comments out of the design team, including director Anno, that if they knew the controversy that would have been generated out of that selection, they would have went with something else.

It is an age old Science Fiction plot device to show tie a standard sci-fi story to existing or dead religious beliefs. Evangelion just happened to do this in a very compelling way. Yes, some people can become miffed about it, especially if they suscribe to those beliefs. :P However, those with a closed mind or without a sense of humor about such things are probably not watching anime (let alone anime like this to begin with).

I love the Evangelion series. But it is not something worth getting goofy over and delving deeply into in order to find some kind of hidden meaning. The while it is nuanced and well thought out and director Anno did a lot of psychological exploration, it was not meant to be taken seriously for the religious implications. At least the creators did not think so. :roll:
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Post by MCWagner » Wed Feb 16, 2005 3:54 pm

What about Tenchi? I mean, dropping it would knock the bottom out of the entire "harem" genre.
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Post by HellDeathscythe666 » Sat Feb 26, 2005 10:43 pm

The truth is, everyone has their prefences, so there really isnt a certain anime the whole world couldnt do without, but my dislike would be EVERY.....SINGLE.....CARD....BATTLE....Anime, sadly, they're all the same to me, so I dont really like them at all, but hey...go figure
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Post by anime_cowboy14 » Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:34 pm

i think the world would be better without gavitation, friuts basket and neo

genisis evangelion. i look at evangelion and it looks like a gundam wing

wanna b. ive seen fruits basket and it looks pointless due 2 its tryin 2 b funny

but its not. i havent seen gravitation and i dont plan on sein it.just hearing

about what gravitation is made me smack my friend across the face 4 not

only tellin me that its a man love anime but 4 watchin the first 2 episodes.


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Post by Noverca1is » Sun Feb 27, 2005 2:17 am

Spike_ Spiegel wrote:Pokemon? oh come on. if it wern't for pokemon, half of us wouldn't even be into anime. and don't lie, everyone on this site still has some sort of pokemon toy or card still around. pokemon brought smiles to many kid's faces and still do.(they also took our money!) But I think pokemon did alot of good for us, but now, it needs to go away :wink:

HAHHAHA... everyone? Please don't speak for me!
That might be your guilty pleasure.

Well, biased opinion as a Current player for the past 10 years on Magic The Gatherng (and online) I HATED pokemon, yu gi oh, digimon, cardcaptor and anything in relationship to a "card-like" style.

MAGIC pwns all cards games, (not poker, uno n the likes of those genre of card games)


Someone previous stated all Anime that ever came to the U.S should have disappeared..
Well, I saw one name FMA.. Full Metal Alchemist...
thats wrong dude. FMA is awesome, I saw that before it came to the states and I hope an anime you LOVE gets sent here so your forced to hate it.

and to disrespect GUNDAM... I have never been a fan of robots and space but I understand gundam, transformer are extremely old school and pioneered during its time. You can't take that away. They have brought alot into this generation.
Like the starwars thing, I hate starwars but I appreciate what it has done and inspired more creations.

Okay, if you want to go with the exact definition of orginality, then nothing is original. Humans can only creat something from the materials we are provided. We don't have the power to create, but to only more and shape what is already there to our liking.
Originality is just unrecognized plagerism - From the mouth of David Lynch
in person and I will never forget it!

Pokemon, Digimon, Duelmonster, Yu gi oh,

Oh there is one anime the world can do without and the WORLD DID... I forgot the name of it, or how long it actually did lasted.
But it was basically a team vs another team, they battle with animal like robots on the field. GREAT CG but thats all. One day it was gone, flushed, never caught the name and im happy I didnt, im already plagued with its memory.

I like to Bash on DBZ.. But i can't. DBZ is like Power Rangers in the sense of, During my 9 or 10 years of age, I was watching that, So I understand DBZ to 10 years old and whatnot is ohhhh ahhh..
They are lucky they had DBZ which is way cooler than freaking Power Rangers. I cant believe I just admiited this :(
Other than that, I still hate DBZ but DBZ introduce me to the world of "ANIME MUSIC VIDEO" but not ANIME (thank you Saturday Morning Sci-fi A-Ko)

aww milk Chan is quite funny if your into that sort of humor. Just like ATHF, Unlike Mike and gary or whatever, I cant understand for crap so I hate it.

not to defend Naruto, i never watched it and have no opinion of it, but what's wrong with ninjas? ninjas are cool. better than pirates
Don't you dare insult The Pirates of Dark Water!
ninja are over-used over-rated unless its in a video game!
There isnt much done on Pirates unless you want to see it as "Space Pirates"

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Post by SSJVegita0609 » Sun Feb 27, 2005 2:52 am

Ninjas HATE pirates dude, didn't you ever read the three facts about ninjas?

Anyways, I'd rather the world was devoid of Evangelion, but that's just me and my hate-filled, jaded, unsympathetic self. :P
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Post by Bulghod » Sun Feb 27, 2005 2:56 am

This is a bit off topic, but i want to thank Noverca1is. despite the length of his post, i'm glad he organized thoughts into a sensible post. well aside from that pwned crap. but i'm probably saying that just because anime_cowboy14's post was a painfully bad post.


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