What's Your Definition of "Anime"

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Post by Garylisk » Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:04 am

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Post by Spike_ Spiegel » Thu Feb 17, 2005 8:02 am

:? ...Cartoons made in japan... :roll:
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Post by bobbarker31 » Thu Feb 17, 2005 8:30 am

But the definition is changing and we best get ready for it. I remember reading an article saying that anime artists were having to live with their parents because there was no money to be made as a low level staffer that they could support themselves.

A lot of production companies are Japanese, but much animation is also being outsourced to places like Korea. Notice that many shows say in the opening titles "Planned by"? It may be planned by a Japanese production company, but that does not necessarily mean it was drawn or put together there.

Not that I mind where it comes from too much. A good story and quality animation stands on its own. It just so happens that much of what I like has come from Japan. I just recognize that a strict interpretation of what we consider anime is changing right now.
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Post by bum » Thu Feb 17, 2005 9:23 am

Anime is whatever I can upload onto the donut without adding another to my list of broken site/forum rules.

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Post by Organous » Thu Feb 17, 2005 9:46 am

Anime: any form of visual media using a Japanese style of art

Anime really is that broad in my eyes. We all know that anime covers just as wide a range of topics as live-action television shows and American graphic novels (I refuse to call them comics unless they're actually supposed to be humorous). Well, now the style is beginning to leak away from just Canada and the style is spreading throughout the world in its animation style. I might even call Teen Titans or Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi to be anime, even though they seem to be American in origin.
I know some of you will say that they're not anime because they're aimed at American audiences and kiddy in nature. Well, I think that's more of a judgement on taste than reality. Even though Japanese and American cultures may have their differences, we are still alike in many fundamentals, as are most people throughout the world. Generally the same kind of stuff pleases younger audiences globally, so "aimed at American children" doesn't really say much more than "aimed at children." As for the more mature forms of entertainment (no, I'm not just referring to porn), they tend to deal with philosophy, horror, and other grown-up things. Philosophy is just as diverse among people even of the same culture as horror is similar among the world.
Ok, I've started to blabber on just counter-arguing a counter-argument to my definition. Let's get right down to the idea, though. As soon as any of us see something done with the Japanese styles of art, we immediately think of anime, even if what we're seeing has no relation to any existing anime beyond that. There really is nothing to tie animes together anymore besides animation/art style. Even the Betty Boop eyes aren't necessarily an anime trait when you consider that there was still Japanese art and visual entertainment before that.
Well, in the end, this really is all about perception, and I'm sorry for going on like I'm trying to prove something. Still, if I have an opinion, I might as well back it up. :)
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Post by angelx03 » Thu Feb 17, 2005 9:52 am

Courtesy to dokool for this pic.



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Post by Barnwellknight » Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:06 pm

According to the Encarta Dictionary, anime is Japanese animation that involves violence and sexual situations. Both my parents know what anime is without having to look it up in a dictionary, but they believe that some anime is for little kids, i.e. Dragonball Z, Pokemon, Digimon, etc. They also know that there are anime that would be inappropriate for children to watch, such as Cowboy Bebop, Lupin III, etc. My dad says that it's okay if I watch it, but he still thinks that it is childish that a twenty-year old college student is watching cartoons, even if the cartoons have stuff that you would find in movies ranging from PG to R. To put it in simplier terms, anime is divided into two groups: anime for children and anime suited for teenagers and adults.
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Post by Garylisk » Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:13 pm

Anime is the French word for Animation. The Japanese did not mangle our word, they used the French word.

It's the same thing, people.

But words are dynamic, and evolve through time.

In English speaking countries, the word Anime means Animation made in Japan, and in the definite style of it's visual genre. it's that simple.
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Post by Harlock7876 » Thu Feb 17, 2005 9:39 pm

Garylisk wrote:Anime is the French word for Animation. The Japanese did not mangle our word, they used the French word.
If you listen to a Japanese speaking person pronounces "animation" (ah-nee-ma-shee-on-ooh) and their fondness of word contraction (Pokemon=Pocketu Monstah) you'll understand why they call it "anime". I'm sure those that actually study Japanese can give a more informed explaination.

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Post by Harlock7876 » Thu Feb 17, 2005 9:40 pm

Shortened form of Annie Mae. She's a total slut.


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