New AMG possibly in the works

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Post by ibanix » Mon Jan 10, 2005 12:10 am

The fansubs are out now, so I can give a review of the first episode:

(with appropriate spoiler blocking)
Spoilers ahoy! wrote:Ok, so I watched the first episode twice, and here follows my thoughts, comments and criticism.

Opening: A decent tune with overly complex lyrics. The intro chorus and the flute flourishes added a lot to it, but I thought the vocals had too many mode changes. It's ok, but it just isn't a catchy as My Heart, Your Heart.

The animation was also pretty decent. I'm not sure what's up with the flying text and crazy geometric circles. Did they take their cues from the movie? No obvious homage to the OAV opening. I am also pleased to see that Urd is still teh hotness - maybe even more so than in the OAV!

Episode: Was the two minute metaphysical intro really necessary? I felt this didn't add anything to the plot. A five second summary would have said "Keiichi is an unlucky guy - is it fate, or not?". As it was, I thought we were going to segue into a SE:Lain episode. Was that Urd doing the voice over?

Episode plot was "Kei is a really nice guy who always has bad luck, but he just keeps trying". So we get a day in the life of Kei to see that. Introduce NIT, the motor club guys, etc. End of the episode is almost exactly the classic OAV intro of Belldandy, except Kei is calling some other guy in the motor club, and not ordering out for food.

In all, I thought this was kind of a weak episode. It had some funny parts, but not "LOL!" funny. I did really enjoy two parts - the morning exercise by the club (so correct for them!) and the child who lost her wallet (very touching).

Character Designs: If you want to hurt me, now's the time: I dislike Belldandy's new look. In particular, it's her face. Bell's face has always been her defining feature. Her new look removes her nose, enlarges her eyes, and changes her mouth size and shape. It has the effect of making her (it least so far) look more airheaded. I always liked how she had a wise or knowing look to her. You always had the feeling she was a goddess not just from the clothes and powers - but because of who she was inside. I don't get that feeling from this Bell. Her clothing is absoultely 100% OAV clothing. I don't see any changes.

Kei's look is modern, but not greatly different from old Kei. His features are exagerated a bit more than usual, and he looks more generic. He reminds me of Love Hina's Keitaro. Same clothing.

The character designs for Urd and Skuld look GREAT. Dead true to the originals. The motor club guys also look really good. Kudos to the character designers to keeping these as they were. I also noticed some minor manga characters who've made it in - the NIT guy with the mask, and Mara. I'm going to have to go back and re-read all the manga again...

Music: Nothing much to say. I usually notice really good BGM, but this didn't inspire me.

Voice Acting: I'll say it up front - Otekai and Tamaya sound DEAD TRUE to their originals. Awesome. Everyone else sounds pretty close. Bell sounds like her charater design - more bubbly/airheaded. Kei sounds about the same.

Ending: The art here is classic old-school managa/OAV. Now that's how I remember Kei and Bell. The closing song feels way more like the OAV in mood, and has the same first-person perspective from Bell as the OAV closing had. I prefer this song over the opening song.

Overall: They stayed, for the most, true to the OAVs and manga. I'm still holding my breath. Depending on where they go with Bell from a character development point, this could be really good or just a bad remake. She's so essential to the story that a lot is going to depend on this.

I'm also looking forward to seeing minor characters and plots which never made it into the OAVs. We'd better see Mara, and I want to see Urd dancing uncontrolably to polka music. Banpei and his robotic love affair also need some airtime.

And how will it end? Will we do an OAV style repeat? I'm open to guesses and suggestions...
[MOD42: BBCode fixed. For reference, BBCode doesn't like spaces where they shouldn't be.]

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Post by ibanix » Mon Jan 10, 2005 12:11 am

What the hell? Why is the quoting/white color code not working?

I apoligize for the spoilers. If a mod could please fix?

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Post by angelx03 » Sun Feb 20, 2005 11:02 am


Ok, I noticed that Ah! My Goddess is not listed in that "awesome fansub place everyone knows about." Then I found out this series (along with Genshiken) got licensed by Media Blasters. I'll wait until the official news gets posted up.

All I have to say, that was fast. And there could be hope that Media Blasters might hire the original Coastal Carolina cast for this. I consider this awesome because their dub for this franchise is WAY BETTER than Animaze's dub.

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Post by Kalium » Sun Feb 20, 2005 11:05 am

Gah, can't all the AMG stuff stay with one company?

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Post by angelx03 » Sun Feb 20, 2005 11:21 am

Kalium wrote:Gah, can't all the AMG stuff stay with one company?

If only it's possible. Ok, here's the official news from Anime News Network:
Oh My Goddess TV, Genshiken, Hinotori, and Phantom Acquired by Media Blasters (2005-02-20 10:57:59)
At their Katsucon panel today, Media Blasters announced that they hold the rights to the Oh! My Goddess TV series, Genshiken, Hinotori, and a 3-part OVA called Phantom. John Sirabella said that he believed that they also has the rights for Kujibiki Unbalance (the show watched by the Genshiken characters), but has to double check. A full panel report will follow later, which will also include their live action acquisitions

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Post by cholinms » Sun Feb 20, 2005 12:12 pm

And I was realy hoping to get episode 7 before I have to shut off my internet. I guess that the first 6 will have to hold me over till I get back from Iraq. I'm glad that it got liscenced thou, I should be able to pick up the first few discs when I get back so it's not all bad.

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Post by Otohiko » Sun Feb 20, 2005 1:51 pm

Yeam, I just wonder how long the whole thing will be.

Too bad I haven't had a chance to check it out while it was on fansubs. Eh, I'm sure I'll see it one day (I say that about most things, heh).
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