Ah yes, the confusion that is EoE
You must keep this entire film in the context that it is art. This is not a standard anime, with a open and closed plot, it is meant to be highly interpretive, in many ways analogous to music. Impressionistic music is a good example of Eva, in so much that each person interprets the music a different way, and comes to a different meaning of what the notes are trying to convey - in many ways, it's an ink blot test. That's EoE, at least from my point of view.
From where I'm sitting, Asuka and Shinji are the only 2 ppl left on Earth for the time being, they are likely to be the new Adam and Eve, and we as a species are screwed because of this
. People can either choose to live in a world with no boundaries, where everyone is one with each other and there is no pain, or they can live in a world where they are seperate and vulnerable, but able to live and experience good things and know that it's real. Consider when Shinji was in the LCL, in eps. 25 and 26 in the series - he mused through a variety of possible worlds, coming across my favorite with the social-toast-eating-Rei, but he chose reality. In the LCL, life is what you make of it, it's a dream - the problem is it's not real. It's a dilemma that everyone post-3rd Impact has to make, whether to live in a dream world of pleasure or to live in reality where you will die and have to work hard just to survive. In some ways, the LCL sea is the Dead Sea, the sea where nothing changes - life that is not dynamic and does not change is not life at all...this idea is supported by the fact that LCL is continually referred to as the primordial soup by Ritsuko(?) and others - primordial soup is a dead thing, merely life that is not alive yet. This is probably why Asuka is onshore with Shinji, she doesn't want to die, and she can't accept a dead, nonchanging, false reality.
Oh, and as far as the Evas, they turned to stone...don't ask how, idk how or why. Remember that we're dealing with an anime based on Judeo-Christian mysticism from at least the Middle Ages, unless your a religious studies major I doubt anyone has an idea...
Asuka is being choked by Shinji merely because her bitchiness caught up to him and he had enough, he just couldn't avoid confrontation anymore so he exploded. I mean, I would too - talk about pressure: your guardian is dead, your quiet friend turned into a giant angel hybrid who is trying to absorb you and end humanity's existence, and your comatose bitchy friend is refusing to help you through this difficult time and telling you to die......lol, talk about being able to handle stress...
There is also the omnipresent theory that the latter half of EoE never really happened, that it's something like the eps. 25 and 26 in the series, all in Shinji's mind. Basically, he imagined everything after the 3rd Impact as a way of coping with the unberable truth that everyone's dead, gone, whatever, and he's either alone on a dead planet or about to be absorbed by Rei-Lillith. So, he creates the idea of turning into LCL, and then being given the choice whether or not to live in reality, and then has Asuka on the shore with him as a way to rationalize that it was real. Let's think about this, you remember how totally pwned Eva 02 was by the MP Evas? Remember how it was dismembered and broken when Shinji first saw it? How could Asuka survive this? I mean, let's compare this to when Rei's entry plug ejected from 00 in her test, it hit the wall and she was badly hurt - I don't think getting torn apart is less damaging than hitting a wall, not to mention Asuka was fully in sync with her unit when it was "killed", possibly killing her mind as well...furthermore, where did the bandages come from, and why does she not act like the Asuka we know when he chokes her? Sad to say, I'm starting to think this is a pretty valid idea to explain EoE: Shinji made it up in order to stay sane
Okay, that's my 2 cents - I'm trying to kill some time so I thought I'd post...btw, that evaotaku.com is pretty cool, y'all should go there ^_^.
On the seventh day, God rested...and watched anime. And it was good.