Screwy .Org Error Messages, 504 errors, and other such fun

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Screwy .Org Error Messages, 504 errors, and other such fun

Post by derobert » Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:46 pm

Earlier today and yesterday, we've been having a lot of fun with various timeouts on Kero. They generally manifest as either a HTTP 504 error or a "screwy .org error message" while attempting to confirm the video. A little while ago, I tweaked the tc settings on Kero to guarantee that traffic to Yuri gets through. This seems to have solved the problem.

If you've gotten any of these messages before now, please try again. It should work now.

If you get any of these messages after now, please go ahead and report it.

Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience.
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Post by LuluandAuron » Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:27 pm

I got one just now
You are now the proud owner of a screwy error message from .Org. That error message is: Connect failed Please report this in the forums.
Everything worked fine until the very last step :(

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Post by perika » Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:37 pm

Oh, I got the same message

"You are now the proud owner of a screwy error message from .Org. That error message is: Connect failed Please report this in the forums."

What shall I do? ... hp?v=66254

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Post by derobert » Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:48 pm

perika wrote:What shall I do?
First thing, I suppose, is try again and see if it works.

Second, where was this? While attempting to confirm a local upload?
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Post by LuluandAuron » Sun Mar 20, 2005 10:04 pm

Here are my two links......I've never had this problem yntil today :(
Thanks ahead of time for your help. BTW, I used the second server link as the first one gave the 505 error. ... hp?v=19015
It went through every step and told me it to wait 5 to 10 minutes and it would be there, that was about an hour or two ago .... still nothing.

The other one (cause I assumed the first one was done)

I tried to upload left the comp. When I got back there was no upload window, so I thought it had finished and I got the error "You are now the proud owner of a screwy error message from .Org. That error message is: Connect failed Please report this in the forums." ... hp?v=36585

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Post by xviolent_philx » Sun Mar 20, 2005 10:25 pm

" You are now the proud owner of a screwy error message from .Org. That error message is: Connect failed Please report this in the forums."

my connect failed and im a proud owner of a screwy error message from .Org..

am i done?

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Post by perika » Sun Mar 20, 2005 10:49 pm

OK.I tried again and again,but got the same result...

Yes.I got the message while attempting to confirm a local upload.
I got the password for a local upload,and tried to upload my new video,however,my ftp client didn't work.I failed to connect.
Then,I tried to upload again and got the message.[/quote]

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Post by FallenMarvel » Sun Mar 20, 2005 11:19 pm

"You are now the proud owner of a screwy error message from .Org. That error message is: Connect failed Please report this in the forums."

Can this be fixed soon?

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Post by gangstaj8 » Sun Mar 20, 2005 11:45 pm

I'm not able to connect for an upload now. I went through the whole process earlier today, and just like LuluandAuron, it said to wait 5 to 10 minutes after successfully confirming the video upload. Now it's been 6 or 7 hours. I checked the upload page again and my vid was on the list for available uploads, so I tried it again. I got the permission page, but I couldn't connect to Kero through my ftp software. Then, the main member page had the "confirm video" option available, so I clicked it and got the screwy error message. I guess this is all just bad timing, cause I entered and uploaded my vid with no problems, it's just not available for downloading I guess. Hope you guys can figure it all out, I've got plenty of patience.
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Post by Animegirl821 » Sun Mar 20, 2005 11:54 pm

"You are now the proud owner of a screwy error message from .Org. That error message is: Connect failed Please report this in the forums. "
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