Taken as a whole, they might not be 100% dishonest, but they certainly are not 100% honest either. The results produced by the op system are very decieving. Having not known many people who are decieving to be quite honest (given the inherent contridiction of terms) the phrase "Honest Op Week" sprang into my head.Otohiko wrote:I think having an Honest Op week is a slight disservice to the idea of ops as a whole, as it suggests that they're dishonest to begin with.
In reality it's not really the op system that isn't honest, it's the results of that system (average scores). A system that is supposed to represent the average quality of the videos on the org in relation to one another dosn't work, honestly, if a lot of the videos that would fall on the left of the bell curve (hell.. anything more left than the right half) have no legitimate opinions given to them. It's like a kindergarden class, you get a gold star for effort; "we're all special"; that kind of mentality that perpetuates if only good vids are opped. When people op average videos as they would the best thing they have ever seen, we distroy the system and render opinions worthless for their secondary purpose (as a filter for people who wish to choose to watch "good" videos).
Isn't it also the people that would most benifit form opinions (those who's vids are well.. bad) the less likely to get any becasue of this fear that one shouldn't say anything negative. I'm not advocating flaming, and i understand that oping a video that isn't that good is hard to do, but if the opinion system's purpose is to help, why not help those who need it more?