Proposal for Honest Op week

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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:47 pm

Otohiko wrote:I think having an Honest Op week is a slight disservice to the idea of ops as a whole, as it suggests that they're dishonest to begin with.
Taken as a whole, they might not be 100% dishonest, but they certainly are not 100% honest either. The results produced by the op system are very decieving. Having not known many people who are decieving to be quite honest (given the inherent contridiction of terms) the phrase "Honest Op Week" sprang into my head.

In reality it's not really the op system that isn't honest, it's the results of that system (average scores). A system that is supposed to represent the average quality of the videos on the org in relation to one another dosn't work, honestly, if a lot of the videos that would fall on the left of the bell curve (hell.. anything more left than the right half) have no legitimate opinions given to them. It's like a kindergarden class, you get a gold star for effort; "we're all special"; that kind of mentality that perpetuates if only good vids are opped. When people op average videos as they would the best thing they have ever seen, we distroy the system and render opinions worthless for their secondary purpose (as a filter for people who wish to choose to watch "good" videos).

Isn't it also the people that would most benifit form opinions (those who's vids are well.. bad) the less likely to get any becasue of this fear that one shouldn't say anything negative. I'm not advocating flaming, and i understand that oping a video that isn't that good is hard to do, but if the opinion system's purpose is to help, why not help those who need it more?
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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:51 pm

ack.. edit... gha!!!
Isn't it also the people that would most benifit form opinions (those who's vids are well.. bad) are less likely to get any, becasue of this fear that one shouldn't say anything negative. I'm not advocating flaming, and i understand that oping a video that isn't that good is hard to do, but if the opinion system's purpose is to help, why not help those who need it more?
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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Thu May 19, 2005 3:22 pm

Well.. my downloading problem has been fixed and i'm attempting to grab as many videos as i can as soon as possible. I have Dial up at home and Finals end for me tomorow. That said.. I think the time frame needs to be expanded if nobody has a problem with that (although i doubt anyone even remembers this thread).

I have 40 vids in my queue right now and i'm hoping for about 50 to review through the next few weeks or so. If anyone is still on board, let me know how much you have. Several hundred hones reviews ought to help somewhat... at least i hope :?
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Post by downwithpants » Thu May 19, 2005 5:00 pm

just finished finals today w00t and going home tomorrow. i also need to finish up a vid for the otakon contest, then i'll start looking for vids to op... when i'm not playing warcraft...
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Post by devilmaykickass » Fri May 20, 2005 3:41 am

I always give an honest opinion, mainly because when I download a video it takes me a good amount of time (I'm on dialup), so I'm more than willing to tell you if you just threw something together or not. I'm never rude about it though.

But yeah, I think for a dialup user, I'm pretty damn opinionated (I'm number 22 on the most opinions list at the moment). I'd gladly do this if I had a connection where I could download videos in 5 minutes instead of 3 hours.

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Post by yumi+chan » Fri May 27, 2005 8:21 am

devilmaykickass wrote: But yeah, I think for a dialup user, I'm pretty damn opinionated (I'm number 22 on the most opinions list at the moment). I'd gladly do this if I had a connection where I could download videos in 5 minutes instead of 3 hours.
Where is the most opinions list? I've never seen such a list :?

Well, sometimes I don't give honest opinions. I just can't say that the video is very bad, but I'll try to be honest.

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Post by Arigatomina » Fri May 27, 2005 5:42 pm

yumi+chan wrote:Where is the most opinions list? I've never seen such a list :?
Go to the member main page and to the 'my opinions given' page. It's on the lower right - you can see the most opinions given, most useful, and most useless. ^.~

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Post by SarahtheBoring » Fri May 27, 2005 6:57 pm

Oh my god, that solves a two-year-old mystery for me. I'd gotten some inflated as hell ops from shinji13, and he got really shirty when I called him on it (as well as his "you should use inuyasha cuz its popular n it would get u popular" speech in another op). He was shooting for most opinions. That explains it. Most opinions, but unfortunately they mean jack. Oh well, whatever gets you up in the morning, I guess.

uh, sorry for the derail. Thanks for the link, I usually don't think to look at that stuff.

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Post by yumi+chan » Sun May 29, 2005 12:22 pm

Arigatomina wrote:
yumi+chan wrote:Where is the most opinions list? I've never seen such a list :?
Go to the member main page and to the 'my opinions given' page. It's on the lower right - you can see the most opinions given, most useful, and most useless. ^.~

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Thanks a lot^^ I'm in this list, too^^ I have to leave more opinions^^

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Post by SSJVegita0609 » Sun May 29, 2005 2:37 pm

I pretty much gave up on ops all together. Right now I would only op something if it REALLY motivated me to say something to the creator. In fact I'm considering opping Decoy's new vid, but I dunno if I will.

And btw, as for the initial idea behind this thread. It's not going to solve the problem to have people on the forum have an "honest op week", because most of the people around here already DO leave legitimate opinions. The ones behind the overinflation problem are the really casual people who don't care about the average scores and just drop in to throw out a quick opinion on their favorite vid.

Personally, I don't really mind that though, it's only natural that most people aren't going to take opinions nearly as seriously as we, the creators and "veterans" of AMVdom, do. So meh, it's best just not to worry about it.
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