Irrational Judgements... Which ones are you guilty of?

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Irrational Judgements... Which ones are you guilty of?

Post by Bakadeshi » Tue May 03, 2005 7:15 am

I got this idea from something the burt show did on all the hits Q100 and thought it would be interesting to see if theres any of that going on here.

Basically, what are some realy irrational judgements we make on people just based on a certain things they do... like how someone writes, or like how someone writes their video descriptions, or their forum name, Either with people or videos in general. I'm talking about Irrational judgements, things we just conclude on ourselves without any real experience in the matter. (like 2.5 meg WMVs being crappy visual quality) wouldn't be irrational, since thats a fact.

A couple for me is:

if the org name is from a dbz character or from any DBZ show, or end with a bunch of numbers, I automatically think that person is a little 12 year old immature kid whos life is dragonball or something. (of course I know alot of you with those names that arn't that way, but thats the first thought that comes to mind when I see a name like that ;p)

Another might be no video description = crappy video, and longer description = better video. (wich also isn;t always the case, but hey its irrational judgements ;p)

Another might be first video done to some overly popular show like Inuyasha, or Dragon ball z, = crappy video.

I'm curious what some of you come up with ;p

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Post by Kalium » Tue May 03, 2005 7:20 am

One of mine is assuming that any video where the editor doesn't seem able to write coherently (and can't or doesn't claim linguistic difficulties) is probably bad.

As for yours, Bakadeshi, most of us seem to run on the first one (with a single exception that we're all aware of).

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Post by Warheart » Tue May 03, 2005 7:23 am

Actually I already listed up the examples I'd mention here. Excluding the possibility that long videodescriptions mean the videos better than a video without any information.

And the thing you mentioned for the selection of animes can also be transfered onto the music of current videos. When I see a video with Hightwish or Linkin Park my urge to download shrinks untill theres nothing left.

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Post by Kerydwenn » Tue May 03, 2005 7:50 am

I guess we all have this kind of irrational judgments - well, sometimes they're irrational, and sometimes they're verified, that's the problem, so they're not totally irrational, in a way. If a vid has been done to a song already used 573th times and to an anime that everyone, their dog and their grandma have used, yeah, I tend to just pass on it and not even download, unless the description itself leaves me to think that perhaps there's more to it. I tend also to think that little to no description = the person didn't put much thought/effort into it (I'm of these people who just can't understand that something you've spent days if not weeks on doesn't inspire you anything more than a "..." or "Here's my latest AMV, plz leave an opinion if you download" description :roll: ); here also it's not necessarily true - after all, not everyone likes to write novels like I do... *lol*

Of course, it's based on a few bad "first impressions" that I got some time ago, rather than on a general rule, which is a shame; it's simply hard, at times, to go against our irrational judgments (and it can also cause us to miss on good things because we don't give them a second look, that is).

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Post by AquaSky » Tue May 03, 2005 8:28 am

With me, if I look at a person's profile and see they've used only anime that's been on Cartoon Network or the like, I tend to dismiss them pretty quickly. Somehow, using all mainstream anime just gives me a "meh" impression. Or if the vast majority of their videos use the same anime, I'll usually think that they either haven't seen much anime or lack creativity. Some of these may be true, some to a lesser extent (there are always exceptions), but those are a few of the snap judgements I tend to make.

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Post by Kai Stromler » Tue May 03, 2005 8:49 am

My favorite stereotype:

When I see a video listed in the New Vid On The Block section whose title consists of an anime title or anime character names worked into the song title, I say to myself, "there is a lazy creator, and an uninspired video that sucks". No reason -- I haven't even seen any of them as far as I can remember; it just comes off lame.

It's like one of the Beatles said (forget which), about when they were growing up listening to early rock'n'roll: you didn't want to listen to a song called "I Love You" or something, because you knew where it was going; a song called "Three O'Clock", you bought that record, because the title didn't give anything away, made you want to listen and find out.

On the other hand, overly obfuscated or pretentious titles, especially those consisting largely of hexadecimal numbers just make the creator look like a psychopath.

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Post by godix » Tue May 03, 2005 9:22 am

A few irrational beliefs I've developed since reading the forums, anyone with the honorific 'Mr' in their username loves lolli. Anyone whos user name is a foreign word for potassium is fun to tease. Anyone whos user name has the word 'god' in it is an asshole.

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Post by Castor Troy » Tue May 03, 2005 11:14 am

wmvs and bad grammar in their profile and descriptions.
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Post by Coffee 54 » Tue May 03, 2005 11:43 am

Even my favorite editors won't make videos I like all the time. Sometimes I see a name I like and download the video before I even know what it's about. This has lead to a number of disappointments, that are completely my fault, recently.

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Post by Rozard » Tue May 03, 2005 11:54 am

"hay this ism y frist amv lol i hope u like it"

A lot of the ones mentioned earlier, as well. I know I'm guilty of this stereotyping and prejudice, but I think it's safe to say most of us learned these habits from experience. Every so often, I bite and download random videos, hoping to find some good stuff. Often I get a really good one, but most of the time, it just reaffirms the stereotypes.

I just randomly downloaded these not too long ago:
- hackerzc's Going WAY Too Far
- O Sliggity Slice's Poemi Ain't Shit
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