EmilLang's confusion, CO the Org.

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EmilLang's confusion, CO the Org.

Post by EmilLang1000 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:27 pm

Okay... I've been good thus far; I think I'm entitled to a pointless thread now and again ([MOD19: No, you're not. No one is "entitled" to break forum rules "now and again."]). Just one quick question: where did "Calling Batman" come from in relation to this org?! It started about a month ago, and I can't figure out where the HELL you guys pulled it from (well, I have an idea...> (__)(__), but there's probably a better reason).

After the question's been answered, please feel free lock this thread and send it into the fire abyss in which it belongs. THANK YOU! :twisted:
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Post by OtakuMan22 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:46 pm

In all of history, nay in all of time itself, there has been an eternal struggle, where two powerful forces would combat each other and continue to do so until the end of time. Their battle was summed up as such:

"Who Would Win: BatMan Or SuperMan?"

Entire armies of mortal beings gathered their ranks besides one of the two titans and waged war for centuries! It was only then that some insignificant little spec of a mortal, on which side it does not matter, came to realize...


Standing on the tallest mountain, this mortal preached that fighting over these two powerful beings was absolutely pointless. The murder and death that had ravaged their lands were all being caused by this silly notion that one of the two giants would win. But the truth be told is that the two would NEVER win and NEVER lose, for they would always come back, immortal as they are, and continue fighting, with no one side EVER winning or losing!

The people called out to the mortal on the mountain and said, "But we can not REST without knowing in our minds which of the two would win! Whilst we can not see them or physically touch or sense them, we know they exist! Surely, our minds will not rest unless we know one of them wins!"

The mortal had to face facts that the one from below had a point. So he did what any other mortal would do...

...he took a coin out of his pocket and he then spoke and called out for the ENTIRE WORLD to call it!

The SuperMan army chose heads, and the BatMan army chose Tails. Each cry was the voices of half a planet!

The mortal on the mountain flipped the coin and it rose high into the sky. Whether omnipotent forces touched the coin that day or not, it landed the way it did... TAILS side up!

And with that, a wave of calm and peace swept across the lands and the people laid down their weapons, and a new era of peace had come. BatMan had won! At least he had, in their minds.

Over time, people forgot all about the Batman Vs. SuperMan wars, and lived peacefully discussing anime, AMVs, and video games. However, every now and then, someone would try and start a new army, claiming that their titan was the strongest of them all!

When this happened, the governmental rulers who were now situated on the mountain came down from there perch to remind the others that the coin had already been flipped, and that it had ALREADY been decided that BatMan and won, and that BatMan would ALWAYS win! They would then exercise their power and locked away the offending army, and gave a strong talking to the members before releasing them.

And so the peace has been maintained ever since then. For with all the silly things that happen in life, no matter what fortune or misfortune comes your way, no matter what...

...BatMan ALWAYS wins!

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Post by megaman917 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:52 pm

paizuri in the Just say "no" thread wrote:I'm going to lock them from now on. Really, what's the point in arguing over if Goku can beat Vash can beat Kenshin can beat Pikachu can beat your mailman if you drew him in an anime-style? The simple fact of the matter is that Batman always wins.
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Post by OtakuMan22 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:03 pm

Yeah... but I like my explanation better! :D


[MOD19: Question has been answered, thread is now pointless, locked]
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