by Nightowl » Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:15 pm
Okay, fine, maybe I'll say a little something, for no other reason than the fact that it offends me when this kind of comment rears its ugly head every other week. You say that AMVs are 'kind of like art.' Well, an artist, typically, likes to put himself or herself into the project he or she is creating. I, personally, use effects to get my own personal message across utilizing the show in question and my own thematic or stylistic contributions to said project. If everyone cut videos straight, there would be no originality in any of the projects. It would be fan pandering. I lean toward the narcisitic, I want to get MY message across. This is MY video. Therefore, I will create my own style within the video, thus making the project more mine than another rehash of the show.
Not all videos that utilize effects do so just to be flashy. It is possible to find videos that have effects (I hate the term 'effects video' because, at least for me, the effects are not the point, they are simply tools), you just have to look for them. There's a reason for the comparison to Hollywood. All the flashy movies get the attention, whereas the more subversive, artistically inclined do not. And these days, that could mean a rather large effects budget. It's tough to find a movie that does not use some form of digital process these days, that's the nature of the beast. When film came around, everybody thought it was bullshit because how could it ever be better than theatre. Well, now film is considered an artform in its own right.
Generalizing a stylistic decision is simply uninformed. People will say that the entire point of making videos is to make them for yourself, but then why pander to an audience? Why send them to cons? As creators, for the most part, we are entertainers. That is our point. That is why cons usually have a big AMV thing. We entertain. If making Sailor Moon fuck Knight Rider will get a laugh, it'll probably get done. If making Kanti fall in love with that dog from Excel Saga will draw a tear from a single member of that audience, it'll be done. Hence, effects.
This shit doesn't happen in the shows. You have to make it happen. If you're a depressed suicidal romantic ex-heroin addict who can't keep a relationship together, you make shit like Playground Love, a video that is apparently very boring and full of effects. And not one of those top ten-ers.
I'm fucking sick of this question/comment! I'm tired of it! Will everyone PLEASE: