Instrumental Anime Project

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P. Y. T.
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Post by jasper-isis » Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:01 pm

Now, a few suggestions on those commentaries.

Disclaimer: I don't know much about voice acting/recording other than the fact that it's harder than it sounds. Hopefully these will be helpful...

1. Don't narrate. Converse. Pretend you're talking to somebody who is listening attentively. Think of radio disc jockeys, who have to talk in a one-sided conversation all day long. They do their job well with the knowledge that they've got an audience on the other side of the wavelength. (I think. :P)

2. Get comfortable, because a comfortable voice is exactly what I'd like to hear. After all, the guy is sitting there in his favorite armchair, having a smoke with his favorite pipe. :P If it helps, try putting yourself in the same surroundings. The widescreen commentaries (will, should, etc.) have a tone that is very different from the fullscreen ones. Whereas Songbird's precise yet still expressive voice was perfect for the fullscreen "stage presentation" set, the widescreen set needs something smoother and more relaxed.

3. Feel free to make minor changes in word choice to make the passages more accessible to speech. I'm actually going to go back and revise some of these... I think... with permission... ?

4. Record each commentary in segments, or pause a bit between paragraphs. That's what Songbird did for her recordings. It gives you a chance to keep all the parts that you don't mess up on, and do multiple takes on only what is necessary. Run them all together when you're done though, to make sure there isn't a major difference in tone or something.

If anybody else has suggestions, feel free to post them.

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Post by jasper-isis » Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:24 pm

Ooshna: Thanks for getting the CD so you can give me a nice WAV file! :D

And... your original idea sounded intriguing. But do you really need that many still images for it? I mean, most of them are going to be repeats of each other...

Tsunami Jones should be posting in here soon...

I decided to reverse my earlier decision and welcome his video for voting. I had originally turned it down because it had been released for a while. But poking around the site and the forums, it seems that the video hasn't received any full-blown attention anyway. And in all fairness, he had originally made it for the now-defunct Second Instrumentality project, heh.

(This is a case of the very few exceptions that I mentioned earlier.)

In other news... I have encoded most of the videos to Lagarith yv12, with filtering if needed. I've made sure that they can be joined without any problems.

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Post by pen-pen2002 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:13 pm

Kalium, any chance I could borrow a mic to give it a go? I used to be an actor but I don't have any recording equitment.

I'm planning a second offering for animasia. I was thinking Apocolyptica (Fade to black or nothing else matters) but that will have to wait for later as I've decided to pull out a song I've been saving for a long time untill I felt ready to tackle it:

Eloiis an inspiring tribal choral melody that sends shivers down my spine every time I hear it. Give it a listen and tell me what you think.
ooshna wrote:ok i guess I will not be able to do my plan with using entirely images for my videos seeing as premiere can't handle the 60,000+(after cuting out all the odd numbered images) pictures

Couldn't you use Vdub to make them into a avi?

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P. Y. T.
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Post by jasper-isis » Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:19 pm

pen-pen2002 wrote:
ooshna wrote:ok i guess I will not be able to do my plan with using entirely images for my videos seeing as premiere can't handle the 60,000+(after cuting out all the odd numbered images) pictures

Couldn't you use Vdub to make them into a avi?
No no, he wants them as pictures instead of a video.

You know what I think of that song. :wink: Go for it.

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Post by Otohiko » Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:21 pm

Jasper-Isis wrote:
You know what I think of that song. :wink: Go for it.

Uh... well, you don't know, but I think about the same thing, etc. :roll:

I picture a very, very colorful potential video there.
The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…

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Post by Kalium » Fri Jul 29, 2005 12:02 am

pen-pen2002 wrote:Kalium, any chance I could borrow a mic to give it a go? I used to be an actor but I don't have any recording equitment.
Sure, drop by Animania on Saturday. I have a spare mic around somewhere, not sure how good it is.

Actually, I have found said mic. It's cheap, but I'm pretty sure it works.

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Post by Songbird21 » Fri Jul 29, 2005 1:01 am

If you're allowing vids that have been release but haven't gotten much attention then I may have a vid you can use: ... hp?v=72686

(Comments and/or reviews are very welcome. Whoops! Excuse me. I seem to have dropped my hint. Lol *Makes shiney anime eyes*)
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Post by Bakadeshi » Fri Jul 29, 2005 6:56 am

Songbird21 wrote:If you're allowing vids that have been release but haven't gotten much attention then I may have a vid you can use: ... hp?v=72686

(Comments and/or reviews are very welcome. Whoops! Excuse me. I seem to have dropped my hint. Lol *Makes shiney anime eyes*)
The one problem I see with including this one, is that it uses the same base song as the video Pen-pen already has in the project. I think it may be better for more variety, even though you did edit the song, 2 videos with the same song may not be a good idea.

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Post by Songbird21 » Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:58 am

Bakadeshi wrote: even though you did edit the song, 2 videos with the same song may not be a good idea.
Ah. Good point. Never mind. Lol
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Post by ooshna » Fri Jul 29, 2005 12:31 pm

After much much cutting down of images I think I might be able to do my video after all. I had to cut out every image ending in a 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, or a 9 and then also remove any jpg under 200kb so that any picture i use should be colorful and not dull. but cutting out all that still leaves me with 7000+ images to sort through.


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