I couldn't make up my mind so I have like five of them
First of all Tohru coz' she's so gullible and believes everything Shigure says.

Second, would be the cute little kisa coz' it's so cute the way she follows Tohru around and that she's so close to Haru.

Third, Shigure coz' I like the way he irritates his editor.

Fourth is going to be the sweet but violent Kagura coz' I think it's kinda cool the way she expresses her love for Kyo by beating him up.

and last but not the least, our cheerfull, cute, but lonely momiji coz' it's kinda cool that he has all that emptiness in his heart but still can manage to be one of the most cheerful people in the series and also he kinda reminds me of Tohru.