Please make your text normal size, it's hurting my eyes trying to read that.
Sorry, it's normal now though.
older_gohan wrote:Ok first thing with that. never ever try to conform what others want videos to be. Make it how you want it. Make it feel like you feel about it. Who cares if you misunderstood the song in your own way, you got across in the way you wanted. But honestly I think ti would be cool if you did it to a R&B song. I ahve yet to see one of those and it would be interesting to see one. If you make one I'll guarantee a fair opinion. So please do a R&B one to change the mindset of many AMV makers.
^_^ don't worry i will make one eventually once i get the hang of this AMV thing which seems too becoming along quite nicely with all these guides too read.
Hip-Hop and R&B can go great with an AMV, as long as the song you use relates to the anime you use.
Well, i don't think it's many rap/hip-hop songs that actually relates too any anime at all. They seem really incompatiable. But i guess your right about R&B though, i think ive might heard some songs that can relate to some animes.
I think s/he means lyrics that don't sound like what's written in the liner notes, not alternative interpretations of intelligible lyrics. For instance, one video I was thinking of making to Savage Garden's 'Break Me Shake Me' was scuppered when I found out that the lyrics went 'you will be alone' and not 'you won't be alone'.
If it's one or two lines that must be understood in order for the video to make sense, then I would put them in the video info. If the whole song is hard to understand, then I'd either post the lyrics (if there aren't many lines) or tell people to look it up themselves.
^^ Thank you for the advice.
Usually I ignore them. I figure if the song lyrics aren't understandable then lyric syncing probably isn't the way to go with that song.
Well, i probally should as well, but the song im choosing actually fits with the anime im using, atleast i think so. But it just seems to be that one or two part line where it can't quite be understood with out reading the lyrics which most people probally don't do before viewing the video and i don't want too ignore it because of one or two lines.