Farlo wrote:hehe finally had a chance to watch the video and i must say good stuff.
you keep proving yourself to be one of the best globocide has to offer.
Yeah, I still wait for other members videos that throw me off my temporary throne, I've built with this video. *waits*
SSJVegita0609 wrote:Pretty damn excellent work dude, the effects were extremely well intergrated and felt like a true part of the video. I loved what you did with the precussion synch too, especially given how difficult death metal can be with that. I loved the imagery as well, very well thought out scene selection. The only thing I wasn't a fan of was the occasional presence of scenes with characters talking, aside from that, your best work.
5 stars (rounded up)
Thanks alot for the comments I really respect your opinion thus I'm happy to see you gave it such high scores. And it seems like you're one of the only ones that like my sceneselection, no one else seems to understand it.
yumi+chan wrote:Well, I really like this video^^
The timing is great, and the effects are very nice.
The song is good^^
I guess I have to watch this Anime^^
Great work^^
(and you'll get an op from me XD)
Thanks for the comments and for the upcoming op in advantage. I guess you really have to see the anime now, since it's pretty good and very entertaining.