anyway! don't let the title decieve you! this is not a help thread about avisynth or a rant about it... it is in fact a video announcement thread. i have completed the next video in my Multi-Editor Porject. This video's program is indeed the Avisynth we all (well most) know and love! :O!
The entire video is created using one long script (271 lines of code). please read the video comments for more information. if you want to try the script out yourself. feel free to look at the script i linked to in the comments section and replace the sources with what ever. if you want the audio i used you'll have to rip it from the video.
As for the title. i wanted it to have something to do with the video and what program i used to make it with and i thought "Pain" was a good one. It was a pain int he ass to make ;P
anyway, the video!
Title: Pain
Anime: Kenshin OVA1 & OVA2
Music: Keeping the Blade by Coheed & Cambria
Program: Avisynth 2.5x (some 2.0x filters)
Basically Kenshin starts to think about stuff... pretty self explainitory if you've seen the anime. If you havn't... he's thinking of the people he's killed, His wife and his new love... he snaps out of his day dream at the end... end of story

anyway, enjoy.
http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=90180