I was worried that I'd get some complaints this year (may still yet) about inappropriateness of content from parents, but I haven't heard anything yet. So long as you issued warnings for the "a little sketchy" stuff, it should be fine.Ashyukun wrote:I did give disclaimers to give fair warning to the audience about them, since I was aware that there might have potentially been parents with younger children in the audience- but I didn't notice anyone making a move to get up and leave after the warnings either.
Much of my time was spent running around the con, anticipating and putting out fires, rather than closely overseeing VAT, but I did wander past during the pro showing just in time to see an 8-11 year old girl accompanied by her dad wander into the VAT just as someone had requested the "Unclefucker" video. They came running straight back out. That one really shouldn't have been shown, even when requested, during the day. Hell, that was the entire point of the "South Park Movie".
Heh. Big debate between those two for the category during Expo judging. Mike and Meri's vid squeaked through to the win by a single vote...SQ wrote: The Sasuke character profile video that was frankly THE BEST Naruto video I've ever seen (I liked it more than "I walk alone", and felt it should've won.. Sorry meri =p)
Drama was a really fuzzy category this year. Sometimes it's really easy to tell where to draw the line between romance, sentimental, character profile, and drama, but this year they really all sorta ran together at the edges. Vids like yours was hard to place into distinct categories, but in the end we figured it was more a drama than anything else. It was amusing, because even the hard rocker members of the judging staff who groaned at the prospect of a Hillary Duff song ended up enjoying the video. I think that's enough justification for the win.SQ wrote: By the way- How did my video win Best Drama? In the back of my mind I can't stop thinking that it was a pity award. I mean, I honestly don't see the video as that great, and the audience didn't seem to like it too much either.
I mean this in no offense, I'm just really.. Really.. Curious. 0o

Actually the very generous constraints are left over from the years when everyone was distributing on videocassette. Jingoro made the contest so enormously open for one reason. He WANTED EVERYONE'S VIDEOS, and distribution otherwise was rather scattershot. I keep the lack of restriction for much the same reasons, because my job keeps me from attending any of the other big AMV cons... or any out of state cons at all. And browsing the org is just a daunting experience. Expo is the only way I get to see a lot of people's work.Cyanna wrote:...because we can? There is no trolling rule. There is a pretty high limit on how many videos you can submit. We pretty much sent everything we made worth sending last year as well and there were no complaints. You could have done it too if you wanted to. No one would stop you.
Seriously, it's rarely an issue any more. I think the most videos sent to us by a single editor was about six (and three of those didn't work). In years past we'd get tapes from people who hadn't heard of us before, and there's be twelve or sixteen vids to dig through, but these days I'm happy to get everyone's yearly efforts, and they rarely go beyond three or four vids. Someone in Closing Ceremonies was concerned for the Expo judges and suggested limiting entries to five apiece... which would have only cut one vid from our lineup.
Used to be an issue... really just isn't now.