We need more people to vote for the banners

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Post by Kusoyaro » Mon Oct 10, 2005 8:58 am

trythil wrote:I can add a "Reject all banners" link. That'll speed up the voting process...
Might as well. I only vote 1 or 2 banners worthy per week anyway.
I have no idea how to use this new forum.

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Post by someGen » Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:32 am

Kusoyaro wrote:
trythil wrote:I can add a "Reject all banners" link. That'll speed up the voting process...
Might as well. I only vote 1 or 2 banners worthy per week anyway.
i support it

NO seriously for those making banners plz spend sometime learning more about the programs you use to create these banners most of the banners are only croped anime insert logo and try blending modes
while you are at it save the time you waste creating the unnoriginal cutie banners and spend it improving your editing skills since thats what this site is mainly about

look :? at teh banners of the creator of this thread it just proves me right
http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... _id=307657

incredible that some ppl feel proud of 480x60pixel images


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Post by Ankomaru » Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:59 am

Prodigi wrote:what really cheeses me off, is i will vote for banners simply to try and get some good and original ones in (i probably give a "worthy" vote to one in every 20), and i notice that i'll reject a banner, and then two or more days later, THE EXACT SAME BANNER IS BEING VOTED UPON AGAIN!. I've seen this happen 3 times with one banner. If i see it again i'm gonna find out who made it and personally track them down and demand to know why they havn't gotten the point yet.

I think that's a terrible thing to do.
If someone thinks his/her banner really is good but only the logo / Font should be changed: I think people may learn from their mistakes and can improve them. There's nothing wrong with that idea and you seriously can't blame them from thinking the banner should be improved.
BTW, If nothing was changed at the previous banner: that's something the admins of the ORG should prevent. I accedently uploaded the same banners twice because of a connection problem and they rejected it: nothing wrong with that: they did a good job and I thank them for that.
I bet everyone want to see his/her banner worthy and will try anything to get a worthy banner, even if it mean correcting the previous banner.
Don't get me wrong but keep your nose clean and don't bother such a person, You wouldn't like other people to do such things to you just because of 3 stupid banners, do you? T_T

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Post by madbunny » Mon Oct 10, 2005 11:33 am

people wrote: unnoriginal cutie banners
I kind of like those unoriginal cutie banners.

We're not talking about high art here. None of these are going to be on display in a gallery anywhere anytime soon.

The banner system is totally voluntary. You don't have to vote on them if you don't want to. In fact, I usually forget that there is a link to vote on them at all. What usually reminds me is when people start getting all funky about them. That's the part that I just don't get. People can either start making banners that they think are better than what's being submitted now, or they can start voting down more banners that they don't like. Being all hypocritical and complaining about how generic everyone ELSES work is doesn't really fly.

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just...... Bannners XD

Post by Ankomaru » Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:25 pm

I totally Agree with Madbunny. I mostly vote upon the banners I like and only vote unworthy when the quality is bad / the bannertext is overused. Besides the quality and the original text it's not up to me to vote unworthy, Just because it isn't my style doesn't mean that it's unworthy. I like making banners and watching banners made by others. I really admire Aphrael6 for her banners, I don't envy her but I really LOVE her banner style, it's different from other banners and I didn't know you could make them like she does. I've got a lot of respect for her and hope that someday, I can make banners as good as she makes them. I wanted to be in the "top banner creators" List too, but I have so little time! School, Boyfriend, Badminton, Boyfriend, School.. ETC! @_@
That's all... I just like the banner-thingy at the ORG, the voting page is the one I start internet with.... obsessed?? :shock:

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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:40 pm

Oh. the necroposting of this thread kinda got my hopes up that i'd have some
More banners to reject... No such luck. :cry:
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Post by Prodigi » Mon Oct 10, 2005 6:03 pm

Devira wrote:
Prodigi wrote:what really cheeses me off, is i will vote for banners simply to try and get some good and original ones in (i probably give a "worthy" vote to one in every 20), and i notice that i'll reject a banner, and then two or more days later, THE EXACT SAME BANNER IS BEING VOTED UPON AGAIN!. I've seen this happen 3 times with one banner. If i see it again i'm gonna find out who made it and personally track them down and demand to know why they havn't gotten the point yet.
I think that's a terrible thing to do.
If someone thinks his/her banner really is good but only the logo / Font should be changed: I think people may learn from their mistakes and can improve them. There's nothing wrong with that idea and you seriously can't blame them from thinking the banner should be improved.
BTW, If nothing was changed at the previous banner: that's something the admins of the ORG should prevent.
I'd agree with you if the banner was changed, like looked a bit cleaner, or had the logo looking less grainy, or a new font, or something, but all 3 were exactly the same. I know this because i saved it the second time, and the third time, and looked at them both, and there is no difference >_<

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Post by milkmandan » Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:54 pm

a few things here

yeah voting does take a while..well from the time i submit a banner to the time that i see it get voted and judged..the whole process is about 2 days.

the site admin has to approve of it, that takes time
then your banner is queued up for voting, takes more time
your banner is IN the voting process, which takes MORE time
and then finally after 150 votes, you win or lose

this whole process is kinda slow, but i really can't complain ;) i am happy with the way it is, but i wouldn't mind if people voted more..

believe it or not i usually vote unworthy.. i really can't stand some of the crappy banners out there.. i really just want to make a guide on, HOW TO MAKE GOOD BANNERS *sigh*

people just jump into banner making not knowing ANY image editing skills and think having the program photoshop will make their work, THAT MUCH BETTER.

problems, i see in everyday banners that i vote unworthy and just piss me off.
1. the scale of the amv logo HAS TO STAY THE SAME. people NEVER hold shift down and rescale, it like they dont know how to keep aspect ratio O_O.
2. rescaling and resolution, it seems that only a FEW people understand this key aspect to what makes a picture look NICE and what makes a pictuer look grainy and pixelated. scaling down, to one size then back UP to another, your source will lose resolution and is resampled to fit canvas resolution everytime. so if you scale back up, you lose resolution in your old pic.
3. color theme and saturation and font style. i dont know , but a lot of people are color blind, some banners i've seen just dont match.. and their choice of colors is so poor, they blend to well with the amv logo that it becomes hard to look at the banner at all. its rare i see a nicely colored banner that is pleasant to the eye. font style also matters. the font must also match the theme of the banner
4. wording theme and context. some of the phrases out there are good, but some are just corny, unthoughtful. a good banner always has a good/ catchy phrase to back it up that follows the theme of the banner..it must ALWAYS follow, an example of what i commonly see would be, a picture of ed from FMA, and next to him, words say, Inspiration = AMV, the picture might look real nice, the font might look nice, but the words and the pictuer have NO link..this is bad, very bad.
5. size banner forcing people to reduce quality and adaptive colors when exporting. i get the feeling that people are not using the web resolution standard. any webbrowsing program can only display web images at 72dpi. your monitor can only display at 72dpi. any more your eye and monitor can't tell the difference. i seem many peoples banners lose quality cuz they are somehow at 92dpi and are forced to export to a smaller size (~limit 20kb). thus losing JPEG quality or GIF, adaptive colors.
6. GIF animations banners, some are nice , some are thought ful, but all in all, unless you are purposefully trying to make it choppy, a smoothly animated banner is a MAJOR plus.
7. the concept of cropping, this also applies to AMVs. most good amv creators out there got it down, some dont tho ;) I hate seeing the edgy pixelation on a cut out picture. most people dont know how to blur or smudge the edges to give it a softer more definite look. or even adding a flow filter to cover it up.
8. filters, lots of people like playing with the filters and makign cool designs with the amv logo, most fail at it terribly. and most people over use filters and incorrectly. this is key, for filters can make or break your banner.

thats about it, i prob have more, but oh well, at least these are the guide lines i judge myself when i make a banner.

people that resubmitt their banners BETTER have a good reason. i confess i have resumbitted one banner, but at least it was completely different. i went from a static picture with no catch phrase, to an animated GIF with a very catchy phrase. and of course, it won..

the site admin will see all those who resubmit, if there is one that seems the same he will reject it. so really i think this point is covered..unless they miss something ;)

and talking about devira's post, yes Aphrael6 has a VERY good style going for her banners, more than enuff of her banners have won, cuz of style and GOOD color choice. the choice of art always covers the entire 486x60 canvas size so she doesn't have to worry about bg art. she adds skewed border lines that match or blend in color for a boxy perspective look on the banners, so it brings out the art in the center of her banner..by this way she only has to concentrate on how her words look and how the amv logo looks. She has a good font base she is using, i still dont know what it is, but its really wavy. i am still looking for it, if anyone knows, i be thank ful. because her font is wavy, it stands out MORE, because of the vertical/horizontal straight lines, on the sides. she usually makes that transparent, and then adds a simple font that is easy to read and puts it on top of the stylized writing, this brings out not only the stylized writing, but at the same time the meaning of the text. lastly, she uses filters correctly, she already has a good background going for her, why block it out with the amv logo, why not use the bg and synthesize it with the amv logo to bring out the logo more.? ;)

ok thats about it for my banner rant.
in a way all her banners pass my judgement steps above..
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Post by SarahtheBoring » Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:37 pm

Necropost, an informative and sane necropost with a great username, but still...

Keep in mind you're talking about people who cannot stand to wait one damn hour for votes to come in, and furthermore, thought that this was a problem important enough to merit action by the maintainers of the site. That is the audience you're attempting to reach here.

Expecting thought or skill is a little, shall we say, ambitious.

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Post by milkmandan » Thu Oct 20, 2005 12:00 am

well said sarah ;)

well said...wow.:)
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