Q2:CliffD wrote:This question comes from the Quack Experimental Anime Excel Saga. This question has NOT been approved by the original author, Koshi Rikdo.
What Koshi Rikdo DID "approve" was to turn the animated Excel Saga into a different type of show or genre (even if it WAS just for one episode). For example, episodes of Excel Saga were turned into (but certainly NOT limited to):
B-movie Action Flick
Detective Show
Drama about Social Problems
Heart-Throbbing Love Comedy
Sci-Fi Show
Sports Anime
Survival Drama
Youth Drama
THE QUESTION: That list of types of shows/genres? Rearrange it in episode order.
This question comes from the TV series Musekenin Kanchou Tylor (Yes, The Irresponsible Captain Tylor), and may be considered a bit of a Spoiler.
SPOILER-GARD wrote: In Tylor's first encounter with the Raalgon as commander of the Soyokaze, he is, quite simply, out-numbered and out-gunned. So, naturally, he surrenders. The Raalgon commander, meeting Tylor in person, demands the UPSF operation orders (a highly sensitive and classified document, to be certain) -- which Tylor gives to him, along with a parting gift. Quite literally; it's even gift-wrapped. It's actually a present that was given earlier to Tylor (he hadn't opened it).
THE QUESTION: What was this gift, and who gave it to Tylor originally?