After Effects 6.5 tips

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After Effects 6.5 tips

Post by Crafty_Shadow » Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:27 am

I just started learning this program, and find it very intriguing. However I've been working with Premiere pro only till now, and find myself a little confused. I read the org's guide to AE, and played a while on my own, however there still are several basic things that I would need.

1) Well, I am pretty used to premiere's way of moving along the timeline and hearing the song, frame by frame. I've always used this for my sync, as to the sounds I sync to are pretty different form the other, and are easily heard this way. In AE, the arrow keys work a little different, and I'll need some time to get used to them, however my problem is that if I want to hear the song as I scroll through it, the only way to do that is with the mouse, while holding ctrl. I found no way to do that when using the page up/down buttons for frame by frame moving along the timeline.

2) Is it normal for AE to be using 100% CPU when selected? When I'm working with another app the CPU usage goes to 1-2%, but every time I select AE it goes straight to 100%, and keeps a flat line. I have no problem using the program at all; everything works fine, and quite fast. My machine is relevantly new, an Athlon 2500+ 1GB ram, so I can't see the reason behind this.

If you have any tips or advise, please share them.

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Post by Zarxrax » Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:53 am

1. You can only hear the audio when you use ctrl+mouse or if you do a ram preview. Its a good idea to lay out your stuff in Premiere and then move to After Effects just for the rest. Done properly, these 2 things should suit you pretty well. Just ctrl+mouse to the location you need to work on, then set a small work area to ram preview and see your work.

2. This is a bug that has been in AE for a long time that they never fix. However, a workaround was recently discovered. I believe AE6.5 comes with a plugin called Gridiron X-Factor or something along those lines, which allows you to do network rendering. If you dont have that on your cd, try searching for the demo version. Merely having this plugin installed (you don't have to use it) will fix the CPU problem.


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