Tenchi question

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Tenchi question

Post by RamonesFan2020204 » Tue Nov 01, 2005 1:58 am

Why is Aeka in love with Tenchi if they are 4th cousins? That's gross. I mean, I like Ayeka, she's cute and pretty (and hot sometimes), but come on!
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Post by KingSchwill » Tue Nov 01, 2005 2:15 am

The world over in most cultures it's always been the perogative of royalty to "keep it in the family," so to speak. The majority of royalty (includeing the Japanese emperor rule by divine right, the idea that their right to rule is the will of what ever deity they prescribe to, in addition by consolidating power within a few families it becomes easier to retain that power. In European history you see numerous instances of cousins, aunts, uncles, neices, nephews, and occasional immeadiate family hooking up. This entenched power structure was so deeply ingrained that incertain cases where the was no descendant the nobles of a country would bring in a foreigner to reign.
An interesting fact there was a prevalance of hemophilia in royalty becase this exclusive breed allowed less fresh genes in then was probably good for them. anywho long story short, by having the Ju'ria(sic) culture mimicing the fuedal Japanese power structure the writer follow this line thought through

Plus if they didn't the story would go nowhere.
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Post by Coffee 54 » Tue Nov 01, 2005 3:42 am

Well technically she's his great half aunt, his grandfather's half sister. So there's not really that much blood between them. Just enough to make it sexy, but that's just me.

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Post by EmilLang1000 » Tue Nov 01, 2005 3:48 am

I love how people are missing the obvious... Ayeka blatently states "It may seem odd to you, but on my planet, marriage between brother and sister is common."

If it's common for brothers and sisters to marry in that culture, then there shouldn't be any inhibitians towards other, farther relatives, at least among those of Tenchi's and Ayeka's people.

If you go by Tenchi Universe, however, there's no blood relation between them apparently (if I'm remembering correctly - it's been years since I've seen Tenchi of any kind).
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Post by cholinms » Tue Nov 01, 2005 3:51 am

Her origanal fiance was Yosho, Tenchi's grandfather. If the Jurian's where willing to go that far how is it so bad that she is interested in Tenchi then. Even in the US I think once it gets past the second cousin it's legal.

Anyways, if you get rid of all the girls that are related to Tenchi from the house the only one left would be Mihoshi Unless you follow the beleif the Mihoshi's grandfather is Washu's first child.

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Re: Tenchi question

Post by iamdeath » Tue Nov 01, 2005 5:11 am

RamonesFan2020204 wrote:Why is Aeka in love with Tenchi if they are 4th cousins? That's gross. I mean, I like Ayeka, she's cute and pretty (and hot sometimes), but come on!

ayeka & tenchi not 4th cousin

try great aunty ayeka is tenchi great aunty if u can see it

yosho and ayeak bro and sister yosho had his daugther so ayeka niece half niece then tenchi was born so it his great nephew
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Post by iamdeath » Tue Nov 01, 2005 5:14 am

like washu is ryoko daugther which her ryoko niece is Mishoshi the air head cop u see
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Post by Unpronounceable_Symbol » Tue Nov 01, 2005 3:36 pm

EmilLang1000 wrote:If you go by Tenchi Universe, however, there's no blood relation between them apparently (if I'm remembering correctly - it's been years since I've seen Tenchi of any kind).
In Tenchi Universe there is some kind of blood relation, and I'm pretty sure it's similar to their relationship in the OVA. Yosho in both is the prince-in-hiding of Jurai, I just can't remember if Aeka is his half-sister in TU or not. I don't think they ever actually said.

But in Tenchi In Tokyo, pretty much nobody is related to anybody outside of Tenchi's immediate family.

And by the way, "gross" doesn't necessarily mean "not attracted." The reason brothers and sisters aren't generally attracted to each other is because, as they grow up in close proximity, their brains never register each other as potential sexual partners. It's the same mechanism that prevents children from being sexually attracted to their parents. Since Tenchi and Aeka didn't grow up together, or even meet until Tenchi was about 15, that mechanism never took effect.

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Post by KingSchwill » Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:06 pm

Unpronounceable_Symbol wrote:
EmilLang1000 wrote:If you go by Tenchi Universe, however, there's no blood relation between them apparently (if I'm remembering correctly - it's been years since I've seen Tenchi of any kind).
In Tenchi Universe there is some kind of blood relation, and I'm pretty sure it's similar to their relationship in the OVA. Yosho in both is the prince-in-hiding of Jurai, I just can't remember if Aeka is his half-sister in TU or not. I don't think they ever actually said.

But in Tenchi In Tokyo, pretty much nobody is related to anybody outside of Tenchi's immediate family.

And by the way, "gross" doesn't necessarily mean "not attracted." The reason brothers and sisters aren't generally attracted to each other is because, as they grow up in close proximity, their brains never register each other as potential sexual partners. It's the same mechanism that prevents children from being sexually attracted to their parents. Since Tenchi and Aeka didn't grow up together, or even meet until Tenchi was about 15, that mechanism never took effect.
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Post by iamdeath » Thu Nov 03, 2005 3:01 am

who know i think it same
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