Multi-Editor Project Quick Comments

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Multi-Editor Project Quick Comments

Post by Kusoyaro » Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:05 pm

As of now, only the originator of a Multi-Editor Project video entry can see the Quick Comments received for it. I thought maybe it'd be useful to start a thread where MEP originators can post Quick Comments for their MEPs, so that everyone else involved can see them.

Before I start posting the actual comments though, I'd like to see what everyone else thinks of this idea. Would anyone object to MEP Quick Comments to be posted publically in a forum thread? Also, will MEP originators be willing to reformat the QCs so that they're easier to read? (since a direct copy/paste from the QC page ends up looking really messy)

If people are cool with it, I guess this thread would be the "official" MEP QC post thread, rather than starting another thread.
I have no idea how to use this new forum.

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Post by Orwell » Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:20 pm

I'd like to see that, though, I would think there would be a way for collaborator’s listed to see it, since they can see the opinions given for it.

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Post by rasberrycoke » Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:23 am

would you be better of PM'ing the people in question, so that any private comments are not leaked to the 'general' public

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Post by Infinity Squared » Sat Nov 19, 2005 11:48 pm

Eh... Have you seen the number of people, like for example, in AMV Hell 3? Who could be bothered? And the fact is, the QCs are anonymous anyway and were written to be read... I think it should be ok, but may be open for abuse (like people posting QCs that are completely retarded/offensive just because they want to see what they thought was so clever, posted on the forums for them).

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Post by Haunter103 » Sun Nov 20, 2005 1:25 am

Can't we just work out a system to treat QC like Opinions when it comes to MEPs. You can read the Ops from AMVs you collaborated on, but cannot reply to them, and they do not appear under new/updated opinions on the member's main page. I think there should be a "My Quick Comments" button in the member's menu that will let you do this. It's just a way for everyone involved to see all the QCs in the same format that the the project leader can see them. It also saves from cluttering up the forums with QC posts, especially when new QCs come in all the (random) time, leaving the responsibility of posting new QCs every so often up to the project leader, which is a hassle, inconveinient for everyone, and just plan not going to happen.
So yeah, that's my proposal


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