Instrumental Anime Project

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Post by downwithpants » Sat Nov 19, 2005 4:33 pm

video quality is real nice for the filesize.

i thought all of the narratives could have used 1-2 dB less loudness on the background music - we want the viewer to listen to the narratives, not the bg music - and ararat, surrealism, end of all eva, wasteland narratives could have used 3 dB less loudness on the bg music.
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Post by jasper-isis » Thu Nov 24, 2005 12:16 am

All right, I'm back. Sorry for not posting much - my workload has been a little hellish lately. And from the looks of it, the demands of academia have bene pretty tough on quite a few of us in the recent weeks. >__>

Anyway, a big thanks goes out to all project members who have watched and given me some thoughts on the beta, though so far that list only consists of Oto, Bakadeshi, dwp, Kalium, and ooshna! Where did everybody else go? I sent out PM's to all the project members (and an email to rose4emily) ...
bakadeshi wrote:Couldn;t get the smoke thing for the pipe to work? I think it woldve been awesome with it. Maybe I can look into the possibility of adding it with some software after I finish with the fullscreen section. As it is, I think the scene comes off as a bit static. (not enough movement) maybe if the projection light flickered might also help that.
I got it working, but then I realized was that pipe smoke looks a lot different from the cigarette smoke clip that I'd found, and that adding it seems a bit unnatural and distractive. So I decided to just not include smoke at all. The video does fall slightly on the static side, but I think that viewers will have plenty to concentrate on with Oto's monologues. Since I'm pressed for time (and you are, too) I think I'll just leave things that way they are. Unless there's a relatively quick and easy way for me to apply the flicker effect.
bakadeshi wrote:Gotta say I loved the awesome job on the credits.
Yey! :D Oh yeah, I went back and added you under "art concept" for the fullscreen narratives, since you've made some adjustments to my original drawing. Be sure to notify of me your bg music selections soon! So I can stop crediting "Song" by Artist. :P
downwithpants wrote:i thought all of the narratives could have used 1-2 dB less loudness on the background music - we want the viewer to listen to the narratives, not the bg music - and ararat, surrealism, end of all eva, wasteland narratives could have used 3 dB less loudness on the bg music.
Cool, thanks for the specificity. I'll tweak the volume levels this weekend!

Anybody have any other comments? Come on... Songbird? Pen-pen? Anubis? TJ?

Anyway, hope y'all have a delicious Thanksgiving. :D

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Post by Tsunami Jones » Thu Nov 24, 2005 1:20 pm

Jasper-Isis wrote: TJ?

Anyway, hope y'all have a delicious Thanksgiving. :D
I downloaded it, and then with work and all completely forgot to watch it Image
I'll try and watch it today :o

And yes, happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

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Post by Otohiko » Thu Nov 24, 2005 7:55 pm

Jasper-Isis wrote: Anyway, hope y'all have a delicious Thanksgiving. :D
Except the Canadians.

OK, fine, Canadian. :roll:


Bakadeshi - any news?
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Post by Bakadeshi » Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:37 pm

Otohiko wrote: ***

Bakadeshi - any news?
little bit delayed, kinda busy this week and weekend with stuff over the holiday. should be back in schedule next week. Actually typing this from FL on my laptop. I don't have much actuall editing work left to do, but the actuall exports and tweaking any little nitpicks will take some time.

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Post by Tsunami Jones » Sat Nov 26, 2005 12:12 pm

So far I've watched a little over half of the beta, and I must say, it looks really nice :)

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Post by NeoQuixotic » Sun Nov 27, 2005 1:22 pm

Hey everybody, I still exist ^_^! I've been too busy with life, work, and school to do anything else. I've watched the beta and think its fairly well done. I thought I saw some footage stretching, but I'll give a full review later if I can.
Insert clever text/image here.

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Post by jasper-isis » Mon Nov 28, 2005 5:12 pm

anubisx00 wrote:Hey everybody, I still exist ^_^! I've been too busy with life, work, and school to do anything else. I've watched the beta and think its fairly well done. I thought I saw some footage stretching, but I'll give a full review later if I can.
Good to hear from ya. No need to write a full review if there's no time - I'd rather hear those few spur-of-the-moment comments that you can jot down in those few spare moments. :P So what do you mean by "footage stretching?" I am 99.999999% certain that everything is in the correct aspect ratio...
Tsunami Jones wrote:So far I've watched a little over half of the beta, and I must say, it looks really nice. :)

In general news, I didn't get around to fixing the volume levels in those commentaries over the long weekend (holiday shopping = good; "driver improvement clinic" = somebody shoot me PLEASE).

However, I did manage to get a copy of the first Princess Tutu DVD, so I spent some time remastering the Tutu footage in our intro. The difference is pretty noticeable, at least to me. :P I also switched out a clip and replaced it with some new ones. Ask me on AIM if you're interested in seeing the revised intro. (The difference isn't too drastic.)

In other news... I've realized that this whole delay must've been my fault - at Otakon this summer, I had jokingly suggested to Bakadeshi and dwp that Animasia probably wont be done until Christmas this year.



Oh heck, we might as well. I'm marking Christmas as our absolute latest release date. Which gives us only about four weeks. So guys, be on the lookout for betas! And please download them with all due speed. With such a tight schedule now, I'm going to have to plow ahead with things even if some of you don't have much free time for commenting. So if you guys want your voices heard, speak up [quickly]!

What'll happen now:

1. Bakadeshi finishes all fullscreen commentaries. (Soon? Pretty please?)
2. Bakadeshi releases out a beta containing just the fullscreen commentaries.
3. Editors with videos in fullscreen check the beta for possible glitches and/or make comments.
4. Bakadeshi transfers all the fullscreen commentaries (640x480 Lagarith YV12, PCM WAV) to me.
5. I join all the fullscreen files together and encode.
6. I upload the file to Kalium's server and invite everybody to approve it.
7. If there is nothing major gone awry and three other editors approve, then I'll consider the project completed.
8. Oto writes the video comments with help from others
9. I enter and upload the video.

Sound straightforward enough?

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Post by Bakadeshi » Wed Nov 30, 2005 7:00 pm

Update: 3 fullscreen comentaries are done. working on the rest, It takes a while to export each one (usually have to leave it over night, or while at work) , so at current pace, we are probably looking at this weekend to have them all done.

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Post by Bakadeshi » Fri Dec 02, 2005 9:17 pm

Expect a beta release of all the fullscreen naratives saturday or sunday latest. (more likely saturday, but I have to work tomorow, so it might have to be sunday only depending on how late I end up working.)

I have finished all of them eccept for some things I still need to fix on forbidden memories. I also might change warrior's dance BG music choice still if I can find a more apropriate peice for it.

Fullscreen naratives: 98% done.


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