Worst anime series in 2005 (READ FIRST POST!)

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Worst anime series in 2005 (READ FIRST POST!)

Post by angelx03 » Sun Dec 11, 2005 8:56 pm

I have to say, there were LOTS and LOTS of great series that premiered in 2005. Of course, there has been some series that just flat out sucks in terms of plot, execution, animation, etc. Just a reminder, these are for series that premiered in Japan in 2005. And also, DON'T LIST THEM; explain why they were horrifically subpar. These series are in no order:

Jinki: Extend

This had POTENTIAL, huge potential. I mean the whole concept of a cute bishoujo girl becoming a mecha pilot (in which the series nearly mirrors most similar events that deals with guys becoming the best mecha pilot) is very refreshing. Aoba was the rising-star of a pilot, and the producers did a great job showcasing her likable characteristics. Added to pretty good animation sequences and very dynamic music by Kenji Kawai (GitS), it was pretty good stuff. So what went wrong?

After episode 5 is where everything fell apart. For some odd reason, the producers decided to concentrate most on their efforts on another female pilot Akao who received the least amount of development; this also takes place a couple years after the events in episode 5. Not only that, they expect us to sympathize her and the problems she'll face. This also marred by the haphazard way of inserting flashbacks in which the problems Aoba dealt weren't really resolved. This is one series that needed 24 or 26 episodes in order to tell the complete story; it really fell short.

Izumo: Takeki Ken no Hirameki
I don't know what to say. It's actually based on a PC game that's also an RPG game. From what I watched in the game demo, it looked really interesting which is too bad the anime was totally subpar. Animation was cheap, the art design wasn't impressive at all, and the dialouge was flat-out boring. It's a pretty daring effort to mix some harem elements with fantasy, RPG-esque elements, but it felt cliched.

Well, that's all I can think up for now.


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