I am making a submission for Anime Network's video contest. And while I can do some stuff by myself, I would really like it if you guys helped.
I have decided not to steal peoples' cosplay images off the internet, because when it all comes down to it, if I win, they'll air this on TV and they might get sued because I didn't have permission to use those people's faces.
So, I am asking fellow cosplayers who agree to let me use their photographs for this commercial for them to post links to their images here.
It doesn't matter who you are cosplaying, as long as it from an anime and not a game. It would be preferred if you've cosplayed as an anime character that has premiered on Anime Network before or is planned to release in the future, but it really doesn't matter.
Of course, common characters for popular anime shows are always loved (DBZ, FMA, Cardcaptors, YGO, Kenshin, Trigun, Naruto, etc.)
I would also like, if you have them, some video clips of you doing something in your cosplay outfit, but this is not essential.
If I win the contest, the prize is 100 DVDs. If you would like some, I can offer 1 or more DVDs mailed to you in payment, depending on how much screentime your image gets in the commercial if I win. If I don't win, then... Sadness. =(
If you have Ed from Full Metal Alchemist's gloves, and have a high quality video clip of you clapping your hands together and then slamming them on a one-color surface(with nothing on the surface but your hands) then I am willing to give you a series boxset if I win. I am in serious need of that particular thing. =)
So, here's how it works. To make everything legal, fill out this form:
Code: Select all
I, [your legal name here] AKA [your screenname here] hereby give [my legal name] AKA SQ full permission to use the following footage/images of myself for the Anime Network's "100 DVDs" contest, and henceforth, allow Anime Network rights to broadcast my content contained within the submission by [my legal name] AKA SQ, but not in its own entirity by itself or apart from the submission:[/b]
[links to images/footage here]
The form is just so you can't sue me(Or Anime Network). I won't hunt you down or stalk you or anything.
I hope you all can help me, and if you need any details just ask. I'll keep this thread bookmarked, so if I do win, I will hunt you all down and get your addresses so I may pay you for your help(unless you don't want any of the DVDs - in which case you rawk).
Hope everything made sense and thanks in advance. ^_^