by Heero_Yuy84 » Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:50 pm
CCA is...kind of a mixed bag.
Does it work as a finale? Yes, I'd say it brings about a good close (...even though it isn't the final chapter of the UC by any stretch, it's still an effective cap off to two big story elements. Both the Amuro and Char rivalry, and the Federation vs Zeon wars.)
It's got some great animation (even today) and still one of the finest Gundam designs to date.
(As well as one of my personal favorite OSTs for any of the Gundam titles, but I digress)
However, it's not without its flaws.
While it is possible to watch as a standalone, one definitely stands to be at a loss without AT LEAST the original MSG series (Zeta would also help, but isn't as esssential.)
Also, the storyline suffers from being rather rushed in many points (had the movie been done as an OVA with a bit more exposition as to how things changed between ZZ and CCA (let's face it, that's still about a 4 year gap.)
There's also a few odd changes in the characters that aren't explained (primarily in Char himself. In Zeta, he'd gotten over his grudge with Amuro about Lalah he's decided he's fixated on it again to the point of being rather whiny.)
To top it off, several of the newly added characters tend to grate on viewers. (Chief among these is Quess Paraya, the daughter of an EF diplomat and Hathaway's love interest (...or he wishes, anyway) who spends most of the film acting like a brat and jumping from one potential father figure to another.)
Overall, as a piece of the larger timeline, it's a standalone film, however, it's an awkward fit.
Overall score:
**3/4 out of ****
*Resident shameless Gundam fanboy*