Bleach is a Shounen anime like Naruto. Personally, I find it better than Naruto. It's kind of like Rurouni Kenshin meets Yu Yu Hakusho... something like that.
okay? "spirit gun" had to ... but yea ... ive was sorta a fan of yu yu hakasho, but i sorta grew out of it, but hey, i'll check out bleach for the heck of it ...
wow, thats strange, just by you saying .hack//SIGN i actually got there theme song in my head, and its a good theme song too ... (subaru and mimiru are so hot)
well, the songs are strangely alluring that is for sure. *I also would recommend the Final Fantasy 7 OST* Birth of a God, One Winged Angel, and Sephiroth's theme are my favorite tracks.