in reverse order!
aieli ileia --> nah, I did watch your vid (and everyone elses too), it just doesn't register until you hear it on a set of speakers set to '11' - that's all! No worries, all went well!
Kusoyaro --> hehe, I sorta snuck this one in from my collection of AMV's as it was a great vid to (what I hear) a great anime, even though I'm not a fan of snow. Glad there was no complaints on your part!
Castor Troy --> nononono - I get to thank YOU ALL for making my job so much more easy! If left to my own devices, I don't know what the hell I would have done!
Jubjub2 --> hehe, the dvd list was the easy part - I had a hell of a time re-encoding some of them and getting the program to write the damn file without re-re-encoding them. Finally had to give up using Nero as it never got past a certain point and had to use a different program (Tmpeg Author) to get the encodes to come out properly. And again, I'm the one who is thankful for you all participating!
downwithpants --> hmm, the a/v setup at the table was a 19" tv hooked up to a portable dvd player. Not the coolest setup, but it did help out lots with the low-quality encodes I had to do to get 2 hours worth of footage on a single dvd. I was very worried at home as I was watching time on my lcd monitor and tv, and I was sitting too close and had little sleep. However, on the standard tv, it came out just great looking (sometimes lower resolution is wonderful). For the sessions, it was in a small theater-like setting with seats for about 20 - 30 folks and the AMV's were projected from an overhead front-screen projector. Not as high a quality as I was hoping for, but the vids really stood out nicely on it (if just a tad washed out).
judgeholden --> hehe, the word shocking was reserved for my vid in session 2 - especially where the Major is trying to get into the spider tank! I got a few 'words' directed at me from the con assistant director (totally justifiable, IMHO too) so every other transgression was sorta overlooked

this is what happens when you have had too little sleep over too much time.
moonlight soldier --> yeah, I really wanted to get this one played in the sessions, but I was already pushing 20 minutes already with all the promos and stuff. I hindsight, prolly should have replaced it for mine, but meh, what's done is done!
Warheart --> sorry, it was strategic placement on my part as your vid and mine are similar in scenes (read - buma was being selfish and wanted to show his vid!). Thanks for your participation as well as well wishes for the up-coming convention!
Whee! I really want to again thank everyone for officially (and unofficially) participating in this event! It did generate a lot of interest in the convention and a whole bunch of flyers were handed out (which I hope equates to a lot more attendees).
Also, wanted to mention to everyone that we will also be having an AMV contest too, so if anyone is at all interested, please browse on over to the
Kawaii Kon board for the rules (or just go to the 'contest' section on this board for the link).
Aloha and thanks from all of the volunteers here for Kawaii Kon!