About Naruto's n00b status

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The Origonal Head Hunter
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Post by The Origonal Head Hunter » Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:03 am

Amaro, Man-Faye and The King do rock. All 3 are the best, can't choose one! :lol:
RonnieDaking wrote:i like my anime like I like my women, from japan and speaking english

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Dylan's forcelance
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Post by Dylan's forcelance » Sat Jan 14, 2006 2:24 am

ok, appearently this is a Fuh-king mean thread. This is not a thread meant to cause WWIII, or just plain offend people.

I think Naruto is interesting, dynamic in it's animation, and overall, a good show. Comparing it to DBZ is ok, because yes, it is similar in some ways. But so what? It is also very different. The fighting is different in style, and the cast of characters are quite a bit younger then that of DBZ. The humour is VERY different. Both shows are action anime shows, that sometimes tend to feature battles that drag on for more then 5 episodes, which I must admit, can be a little annoying. Overall If DBZ is so bad, then I don't think it would be soooo well know, and liked by so many people, Nor would it have been made by a man who is known for many other well liked, successful manga/anime such as "Doctor Slump" or games like "chrono trigger"

Naruto is another anime that is too loved to be THAT bad. Billions of people don't agree on loving something that is too terribly stupid.

That is my 2 cents, and I just want to add...... I feel bad for "long cat"... *cuddles "long cat"
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Post by x_rex30 » Sat Jan 14, 2006 9:05 am

My brother hates DBZ and has seen a lot of it(my fault for being a fan of it) and he loves Naruto. That doesn't make sense if they're both the same.

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Post by Malificus » Sat Jan 14, 2006 10:18 am

I never said either one was bad. I actually like Naruto and DBZ, I'm just not a fanatic for either of the two shows.

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Post by 76 » Sun Jan 15, 2006 2:26 am

I LOVE DBZ, I just started naruto, they don't seem the same to me, but it would be good if dbz got some of narutos action,

I mean all the fights in dbz are screaming and pounding each-others faces in, but in naruto theres more thought put into the chaos, theres only ki-attacks in DBZ and theres more phisical stuff in naruto, but if they were to put some more thought into dbz then it might have become more popular
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Dylan's forcelance
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Post by Dylan's forcelance » Sun Jan 15, 2006 7:21 pm

The only thing that really REALLY bothered me about DBZ was that the fights would drag on FOREVER! I would be watching the same battle for over a week. It is also really repetitive. Like, "oh no! someone died! we need dragon balls!" then, "oh no! someone else is bent on the distruction of earth for no appearent reason! We need Goku!" and it all kinda got old. Just Like inuyasha. It was good at first, and it still has alot of good qualities, but the show would be a hell of alot better if it ended some 100 episodes ago.

Naruto is constantly changing. There is more fluid progression is the plot, and the Characters grow with each episode. I like that, so Iconsider myself a big fan of Naruto. DBZ will always be one of my first "loved" animes, but it kinda passed its prime after the android saga. As soon as BOO came into being, everything went downhill.
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