I've noticed how often Ramonesfan asks who the girls are, obviously so that he may look for them on Google and download as many hentai or ecchi picks of them as possible.
For you, my friend, I have only this consolation: Someday, SOMEDAY, you will have a girlfriend who's name doesn't end in .jpg
Good Idea: Keeping this private, to yourself, without saying anything.RamonesFan2020204 wrote:Look, man! I KNOW that they're only fictional! I KNOW that I can never be in any kind of relationship with them! What I'm saying and doing is perfectly normal.
Keep what private? The fact that several other people in my age group talk about this kind of stuff? I'm getting tired of this. So many other people have said things like I say, and they don't take any heat for it whatsoever, and look at me? I do exactly what they do, and I get hot air blown in my face just for doing something perfectly normal! Why do I even bother posting about stuff that serves the purpose in this thread when I get my ass chewed off for doing things that are supposed to serve this thread's whole purpose to begin with? If this stuff is so abnormal, why does everyone outside this place tell me it's perfectly normal? And why do several thousands of other people talk about the same things I do in terms of sexual content, and not take any heat????????????? ANSWER THAT!megaman917 wrote:Good Idea: Keeping this private, to yourself, without saying anything.RamonesFan2020204 wrote:Look, man! I KNOW that they're only fictional! I KNOW that I can never be in any kind of relationship with them! What I'm saying and doing is perfectly normal.
Bad Idea: Not keeping this private, to yourself, and saying it in a public forum.
(Whether or not you search for those kind of pics is your business.) This is one of those statements that you should keep to yourself. Statements like these get you flamed. Statements like these make people question what kind of person you are; then you come in, and complain, and get flamed even more, and you complain, and you get flamed, and you complain,.................and I don't even know why I'm trying to explain this to you, because I'm only wasting my time and derailing this thread, and trying to explain this to you is like................................RamonesFan2020204 wrote:That's so hot. I wish I could find decent pics of her naked.