What's with all the borderline pedophilia?

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What's with all the borderline pedophilia?

Post by SSJVegita0609 » Tue Mar 21, 2006 9:59 pm


You have to admit there are certain sexual undertones in many MANY anime revolving around (or simply featuring) girls in their teen or younger years (i.e. EVA, etc.). Generally this is a huge turn off for me when it comes to quite a few series. Many people proclaim that it's simply cute, but sometimes it feels as though it pushes the envelope a little too much. Does this speak to an underlying trait of Japanese culture, or is it something more broad/Fruedian about aspects of human nature in general?

Or is it just that quite a large % of Otaku are &%@# ups? :P

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Re: What's with all the borderline pedophilia?

Post by SarahtheBoring » Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:05 pm

SSJVegita0609 wrote:Does this speak to an underlying trait of Japanese culture, or is it something more broad/Fruedian about aspects of human nature in general?

Or is it just that quite a large % of Otaku are &%@# ups? :P

I'd agree with all three of those ideas, definitely the first and last. There are definitely cultural differences; the age of consent in Japan is what, twelve? Ten is just "barely legal," like lusting after a high-school senior here. And there are definitely some otaku who would vastly prefer a weak, mentally undeveloped person that they can push around rather than an equal. (Three words: Rei Ayanami Realdoll.)

I'd also say that along with subs vs. dubs and het vs. yaoi, this topic is hard to have a serious, calm discussion on, so I don't think it's going to go very well. Let's hope the screaming fits are at least entertaining.

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Re: What's with all the borderline pedophilia?

Post by Malificus » Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:09 pm

SarahtheBoring wrote:
SSJVegita0609 wrote:Does this speak to an underlying trait of Japanese culture, or is it something more broad/Fruedian about aspects of human nature in general?

Or is it just that quite a large % of Otaku are &%@# ups? :P

I'd agree with all three of those ideas, definitely the first and last. There are definitely cultural differences; the age of consent in Japan is what, twelve? Ten is just "barely legal," like lusting after a high-school senior here.
I think the National age of concent is 13, but some areas have laws that prohibit adults from having sex with teens under the age of 17 (If I remember correctly)

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Post by Orwell » Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:12 pm

I imagine if its so prominent it has some basis in their culture, though with a general decling of 'decency' with more kids being exposed to 'adult' images and the such, I imagine its as much a marketting push as anything. Looks similar to them, and yet its adult.

There is cute somewhere in there, but a lot of the stuff I've seen is just general aimed at either lolicons or kids. A real shame there isn't anything that's balancing the spectrum, its gone from horizontal to vertical, and nothing's floating.

EVA, as in evangelion? I'd say that's actually one of the more mild ones, which at least for me, gave me something to consider about the psyche of those developing. Frued was probably a decade ago, now its the otaku, and really anyone to varying degree's who are exposed to the media. I think there are some valid points to discussion, though, they're geared more towards culture than just anime. I'd like to hear other's opinions on it, though frankly I'm just hoping someone's going to at least give me a good laugh before this is locked
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Post by Joe88 » Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:58 am

yeah comapred to most things eva is bearly nothing.
Theres a lot worse.

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Post by Szwagier » Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:55 am

I think it's mainly because of the Japaneese fetishes. All this "school uniform" loving is simply because in Japan, that is a common thing. When there is a need , there is always a response for that need. And so in Japan many prostitutes or woman from their porno films wear school uniforms, even though they are 20+ years old. As far as I remember the psychologists are diversed, and can't tell exactly what is the main reason for this kind of sexual preferences (Maybe they can tell, but i read an article about it a long time ago, so i can't tell to well).
And about all the otakus that are nof from Japan - maybe there are few, who are really into all this lolita or high school stuff. But IMHO most of them just like it because it's from Japan. I have seen many m&a fans who simply takes a real shits as good things because it's from their beloved Japan. And the same may be here - they think "If Japaneese , who creates such a great mangas and anime, love the high school uniform, than i should do the same"

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Post by Isenfolme » Wed Mar 22, 2006 3:52 am

First off, I agree with everyone who's suggested that seeing younger girls as sexually available is something that springs from Japanese culture more than anything else. There's also something to be said for the idea that Western Otaku might be into the lolicon stuff simply because it's Japanese.

However, it is worth noting that blokes being into girls in school uniforms isn't exactly unknown in the West, and I doubt it comes from watching anime. Lusting after school girls is an established cultural thing over here. Look at Britney Spears for crying out loud... Hit Me Baby One More Time? Dear Lord... :roll:

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Post by doughboy » Wed Mar 22, 2006 3:57 am

Japanese society is extremely obsessive over subjects/things/actions that they consider forbidden. Porn itself is considered dirty and shameful, yet it sells like crazy and is easily accesible. Pedophilia is an obvious strike against a moral person's character, so it's automatically up for grabs as something they'd get all hot over since it's not common-place and certainly not deemed acceptable to most industrial nations.

As for why they salivate over young girls in media/anime/hentai/porn, find me a "civilized" culture that doesn't obsess over the purity/virginity that we associate with youth. I'm not saying everyone drops their pants at the thought of "deflowering" but certainly every culture I can think of puts too much importance on the characteristics of youth/inexperience that make it real easy to become a subject of interest for the perverse.

Bottom line though, it's very noticable in anime and hentai because that makes it more marketable to a broader audience. Highshool-aged kids want "young things" in their stories cause that's what they're interested in, and older Japanese men want it as well cause they're just plain dirty. :P

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Post by lilgumba » Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:41 am

I agree that there is a bit too much loli-fest going on in the culture there. However, wasn't the US doing the same thing about 100 to 200 years ago if it even went that far back? You know the old man marrying the young kid to pop at least 10 babies out for the family buisness or whatnot. Only thing now is that here we see that mentally kids don't know what they are really getting themselves into and so frown on the idea of taking advantage of them. Maybe in 100 years or so Japan will have a change of heart.
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Post by BasharOfTheAges » Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:38 am

Who are these horrible people perpetuating such things in their media? Oh, wait... :oops:

Honestly, noone can defend the practice without being labeled themselves, so no real debate will ever occur frequently enough to really change anyone's mind. It's not just Japan though; I believe the statistic is that about 1 in 4 girls will be sexually molested in the U.S. before they reach puberty (not all are raped - that would just be horible). I personally agree that that kind of thing is very much frowned on in real life, but the odd thing is noone wants to group it along with any other sexual preferences because that would just be too wierd.

As in any common thing in anime (or any other mass produced media) there's a fan base, so the idea sells. If the fan base had a problem with it it wouldn't sell. Now that says something, ne?
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