No, Japanese society is different. Meanwhile you have 3 years old on your USA sucking your finger they are surfing on internet , no joke I watched in a Documental TV Program here and a kid with 3 years old was surfing on the web very easy.doughboy wrote:Japanese society is extremely obsessive over subjects/things/actions that they consider forbidden. Porn itself is considered dirty and shameful, yet it sells like crazy and is easily accesible.
So i think if they grow up fast I dont surprise about teens with 12 years or less already lose their virginities for theirselfs. And none can be "Jesus" for say it is wrong or not. I mean they are differents and we must respect them as they respect us believing that is for an older. Here in Uruguay we are like USA culture in that topic too, you must wait to 18 if you want something, (I am 23 years old and I still virgin yeah...) but too much teens have relations hidden from the world.
My point is we are differents cultures meanwhile we surprise about a teen on Japan with 12 years old having relations the arabians get surprise about us kissing our couple on her/his lips before get marriage. And for us it is a simple kiss, but for the arabians you must be married for do that and the women must use special cloth for cover their faces. It is an example I put there for you understand about are just differents countries. And I am talking to everyone here.